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The Hell's Sharks (Inactive)

Smoke Lynnquay

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The Hell's Sharks


Server: Besaid



Smoke Lynnquay

RP Style:


Website/forum: The Hell's Sharks


RP element:

Pirate Crew devoted to the rule of the sea, Perhaps the land's as well


Constantly docking in Limsa. Most often near the gods grip


Application criteria/process:

For roleplay: in character introduction and "interview" for both in game and out of game applicants.

For OOC: Reading understanding and agreeing to the rules.

Further information located on website.




1. Don't Start Drama, Won't Get Drama. ( I feel it is self explanitory.)


2. Keep any racist shit, to ya self. ( not everyone is down with the slurs)


3. This is a Mature LS. Expect to see topics and jokes that your ma would never let you read.


4. Your ls experiance is your responsibility. Treat others as you would have them treat you. I mean you can't complain about being called an asshole, if you are acting like one.


5. As you may be able to tell from your wonderful observation, mature language is allowed. but dont fill my pearls with obceneties because you gotta let years of repressed cussings out.


6. There is no tollerance for making members uncomfortable. Be they male or female, the members ahve a right to be free of sexual judgments, advances, or comentary they find unwelcome. If you are caught or have been reported to be making any member uncomfortable because your a pig, expect to be ousted from the shell on sight. As well as reported to SE staff.


7. Personal information of a intimate matter should not be put over the pearls. However it is a Tell At your own Risk. We want to get to know you, this is true. but if you like to wear rubber suits, and get spanked while in public.... Keep that shit to yourself. it has no place in my shell.


8. This is a family shell. I expect scuabbles and quarrels. But do not blow the shell up and fill everyones chat box with your menial arguements unless it is privy to everyone's opinions. Keep it in tell.


9. DO NOT TROLL THE RPer's AT ALL. No exscuses. If they RP leave them alone. If they ERP. Leave em be. how they play the game is their business. Period.


10. How you conduct yourself in and out of this pearl is your ass. Dont say anything that could get you introuble with us, or the GM's. BUT If you join and turn into an asshat and start abusing the Shout chat, and do so in a way that creats a negetive immage, you will be exiled and made known to the other linkshell comunities that your are infact an ass. We have conenctions. don't mess.


11. Don't Grammar Nazi. it's just annoying.


MOST IMPORTANTLY! Have fun. Tell jokes. Party hearty. it's what the reef is for!




1. Don't get ye blood on me carpet.

2. Don't steal from th' Captain.

3. ye NOT Kill any woman. if ye pillage and plunder and bring ye wenches to the ships. which ever wench does not satisfy your pleasures ( perverse and non) shall be given to a crew mate who finds her in fancy. should said wench be fancied by none, she be released to whence she was taken, no harm to come to her.

4. ye kill not pups! -children.-

5. if ye pisseth thine captain off, ye be walken the plank! -most likely-

6. ye conduct when an accord struk, be it company or ship, be that of mind to the code!

7. slit more throats then the other ships.

8. ye frisken be kept to ya bars or ye cabins. ( erp n whatnot, keep it in private party/tells.)

9. Nevar betray th' crew!

10. Ye nevar kill ye crew members, unless they be found guilty o' treatorism!


if ye be smithy, cook, or gatherer, ye be not exempt from th' rules! Profit th' ship and ye Crew, and be rewarded kingly!


Additional info:

The LS is comprised of two pearls. An IC and OOC pearls. The Ic pearl is 100% strictly RP. the OOC pearl is for oragnizing events, parties, random fun. Conversation.

The IC pearl Will have Mature language time to time.

The ooc pearl will have mature language and topics time to time im sure. chat at your own risk. When in doubt, re-read the rules.

Anything further will be coverd in person.

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