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When the past comes back T'bite you

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Alright, So I would really like complete a story arc for T'caska before Heavenward hits and I want it to be something that has the potential to really develop her as a character. I'm looking for a little input and maybe a few people who would like to join her on this or RP parts of it.


Here is a quick rundown of T'caska's history...


She was orphaned at 5 years old and doesn't remember her parents. A woman cared for her for a little less than a year, basically up until her 6th birthday. The woman claimed to be a relative and was the one who told T'caska what her name was. She also informed T'caska that her parents were dead. Said woman disappeared without saying goodbye and left the poor wittle baby to defend herself in Ul'dah.



T'caska grew up in Ul'dah and got by through stealing and hiding. While she was very young she didn't understand that taking food from the marketplace was wrong. She was caught by guards or merchants and while they did scold her for it, they often would just take pity on her and buy her the food she had stolen. Eventually she would even be able to beg from certain people for the scraps of meat no one would buy or the bruised fruit that wasn't worth selling.


By the time she was 11, T'caska was a fully angsty little mess. She often stole from people because she felt something was owed to her. They had more than she did so in her mind it made sense. This is also about the time that she begin outright defying the Brass Blades. She seemed to constantly stir up trouble with them by reporting false crimes, removing the chairs from behind them right before they sat down, responding in very disrespectful tones anytime she was addressed, or when she was seen stealing she would do her best to lose them in the alleys and streets (often succeeding). Her problems with the Brass Blades probably stem from a lack of parental attention.


At the age of 16, T'caska had the attitude of only worrying and taking care of herself. By now she was completely used to sleeping in and on barrels and crates and boxes in the alleyways of Ul'dah. One night while sleeping, she was taken by three slavers and hauled off outside the city. In an attempt to escape, T'caska grappled with two of the slavers, pulled a dagger, and sliced one of the their necks open. The other unharmed slaver stopped the grapple in shock and T'caska was able to get away. Since this encounter, she has always been more paranoid within the walls of Ul'dah. It has now been 3 years since it happened and the remaining 2 slavers have not returned as far as she knows.


Now at 19, T'caska has been spending the majority of her time in Gridania. this is mainly due to having uneasy feelings about being in U'dah for too long, she has been training with the lancer's guild, and her love interest is in Gridania.


There is the backstory! So wonderful people of RPC, please feel free to point out any holes or inconsistencies! I welcome the critisism as long as you don't say, "Damn T'caska, thats dumb and makes no sense, please delete your character and GTFO" at which point I will cry and hate you forever. I like to think that her parents were originally from near the Sagolii Desert, being that she is a seeker. I have also done a lot of research into slavers and the slave trade within FFXIV and I know that they are closely tied to Piracy and Limsa for the most part but does this small encounter in Ul'dah make sense outside of me just saying it happens?


Possible hooks and roles for RPers to help me with if they feel like jumping in to help.

  • You are one of my parents! And not dead! And you have come back to find me.
  • The woman from T'caska's childhood returns with more information.
  • The Brass Blades have dispatched someone to track down T'caska for her petty crimes. Although I don't feel this is too likely unless the list of petty crimes has grown seriously long.
  • The slavers themselves are after T'caska to make her pay for killing one of their own.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Like I said earlier, I'd more than glad to help T'caska along if I can. Just let me know what's on your mind.

Send me a /tell next time you're on Veti!


Im willing to help as well. Zy'dala is also a miqo'te from that region of the world

Zy'dala needs a wiki! Contact me next time you see me and I'll keep an eye out for you!

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Tylwyth Narah is also willing to ... ahem... help a Miqo'te in need! If you're interested in heading further down the criminal's path while having friends at your back, look us up!

T'caska is more neutral now than anything so she really isn't looking to go in any criminal direction. That being said, the RP would prolly be interesting at the least.


Since T'caska grew up in ul'dah stealing and all that good stuff, there's a very real possibility that she ran with Kyrio, since he's done the same thing!

Well maybe they should run into eachother and see if they recognize eachother, or perhaps they already do know eachother? Contact me in game!

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