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Promyvion Corps (Inactive)


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The Promyvion Corps - an organization rather discreet in purpose, though a name not necessarily unheard of within certain communities. One can be hard pressed to find some one who knows exactly what they do. While they are usually not tracked down so easily, they take a strong interest in those that are able to do so. Should you fit the bill for their agenda, you can be certain that they will hunt you down themselves.



Promyvion is a heavy roleplaying shell based on the Besaid server. The Corps is an underground task force of specialized warriors, craftsmen, gatherers and engineers fighting to preserve a future for all of Aldenard. Though not opposed to the goals of the recently revitalized Grand Companies of Eorzea, Promyvion focuses on rooting out deeper and darker threats that lurk in the shadows.


It bears members that come from all walks of life. Warriors, gifted with prowess in all forms of combat. Powerful mages, keen on unraveling the aetheric mysteries that surround Eorzea. Craftsmen and women of all trades are also in employ within the corps. Cooks, Smiths, Alchemists, Leatherworkers, Clothcrafters, and Carpenters all have positions of extreme importance. Even fishermen, miners, and botanists are vital to the success of the group.


While there is no direct connection between the Promyvion Corps and the Garlond Ironworks, the two share a similar goal in the study and creation of Magitek technology to aid their cause. In fact, many corps members are also engineers within the Garlond Ironworks.




Promyvion is formed of three distinct groups - the Armored Division, the Mages Division, and the Engineers Division. Each has it's own unique purpose, and works in tandem with it's fellow groups. The Promyvion Corps as a whole is lead by it's Chief Engineer and his two assistants.


Chief Engineer: Endemerrin Rosethorne


Advisor: Popo Whimsywood


First Assistant Engineer:


Second Engineer:[/align]



[align=center]The Armored Division[/align]

The Armored Division is made up of Promyvion's hardiest warriors, and forms the bulk of their might. It's members are talented in various forms of combat, bringing a healthy mix of technique to the table. When a call to action is given, these men and women are the first to respond and lead the way on their missions.


The Mages Division[/align]

Conjurers, Thaumaturges, White Mages, and Black Mages make up the bulk of this group. The Black Mages focus on study and deciphering of all manner of odd trinkets, books, and tablets - anything that relates to Promyvion and it's duties. The White Mages are in charge of the medical wards, providing aid to the sick and wounded. They join the Armored Division in the field when the need arises.


[align=center]The Engineers Division[/align]

Promyvion's backbone. The Engineers Division is full of all it's craftsmen and women that provide the means for everyday function. Whether it is the outfitting of the Mages and Armored Divisions, upkeep of Promyvion's Headquarters, the feeding of it's crew, or the creation and maintenance of it's Magitek arsenal and fleet.






Server: Besaid


Leaders/contacts: Endemerrin Rosethorne, Popo Whimsywood


RP Style: Heavy


Website/forum:  http://promyvion.enjin.com/home


RP element: Task force of engineers, warriors, mages, and craftsmen for the defense of Aldenard, specializing in the utilization of magitek technology.


Headquarters: [N/A]


Application criteria/process: Forum-based application, and an in-game "interview".


Rules:   Promyvion's rules


Additional info: Promyvion will hold events based around dark and dangerous threats to Eorzea, as well as every-day life within the corps. Public events will also be done every now and again. Alliances with other shells will be welcomed. Story-arcs are already in the works for the shell. More information on the structure of the corps can be found in the "About Promyvion" thread on our forums.


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