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Chocobo del Sol Looking For More!

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[align=center]Looking for more to join my stables! [/align]




Chocobo del Sol's song:




Information on Chocobo del Sol -




[align=center]Creatures Stabled Now:[/align]


[align=center]5 Behemoths; 1 Mother behemoth that Emadra rides - the other 4 are (rather large) behemoth pups.[/align]


[align=center]2 Couerls; one female, one male. (adult)[/align]


[align=center]2 Dire Wolves; One female, one male. (adult)[/align]


[align=center]3 Cavalry Drakes; All males. (adult)[/align]


[align=center]1 Unicorn; Emadra's mount.[/align]


[align=center]12 Aldgoats; 1 male, 11 female. (adult / Free-range)[/align]


[align=center]9 dodos; 2 male, 7 female. (3 female chicks / Free-range)[/align]


[align=center]37 Chocobos; 19 Male, 18 female. (Varied Colors and Training) - (13 chicks; 8 female, 5 male)[/align]


[align=center]3 Herding dogs; Navi, Sunny and Kire. (2 female, 1 male.) (Navi and Sunny are almost always with Ema.)[/align]



[align=center]Information on Ema's stables:



Name: Chocobo del Sol


Employees: Realistically, around 35+ employees.


IC Employees: Roger Nelan and his group of guards. ( Looking for more! )


Partners: Treespeak Stables


How to get there: Teleport to Fallgourd Float; It is on the East part of the map.


Current availability: Open Employment. Open: Stables for all mounts/minions/etc.



[align=center]Looking For:




IC Employees:

  • Character willing to work with growing behemoths.

  • Character who has experience with horses.
  • Character willing to work with all of the baby creatures (To familiarize them with all of the different creatures).
  • Characters who are willing/able to train chocobos in healing/tanking/dpsing ICly.
    (1 for each)
  • Characters for each beast tribe who are willing/able to train those specific mounts.
    (1 for Amal'jaa, 1 for Kobold, etc.)
  • Character(s) for keeping void creatures.
  • Looking for cavalry guards.
    (3 - Chocobo cavalry preferred but all accepted. (Also preferred to have armor-like barding.)


[align=center]More mounts/minions:[/align]



  • Specifically looking for someone with a male behemoth to mate with female.
  • Looking for someone with a horse/or horses to stable (and possibly breed).
  • Looking for more Unicorns to stable.
  • Looking for Bears/Lions to stable.
  • Looking for herding dogs. (Male)


[align=center]Looking to Buy/Sell/Trade:




  • [align=center]Selling < 3 behemoth pups.[/align]
  • [align=center]Selling < 5 Battle chocobos. (2 black, 1 goobbue grey, 1 Iris purple, 1 Ceruleum blue) -- (None are fully trained, so are up to you ICly to decide what to train them as.)[/align]
  • [align=center]Buying < 1 Male dodo.[/align]
  • [align=center]Selling < 2 Male Cavalry drakes. (Trained)[/align]
  • [align=center]Trading < 3 Female Trained chocobos (1 tank, 2 DPS) for 1 EX unicorn.(any color.)[/align]
  • Buying < 1 Female Cavalry Drake.


[align=center]Information for IC purposes:[/align]



  • Flyers are held around Ul'dah, Gridania, and Limsa Lominsa; as well as various places of the Black Shroud and close to each of the stables around Eorzea.

  • The flyers show Emadra holding her arms out wide and happily; behind her are all the various creatures she keeps at her stables - including armored and none armored creatures. A large stamp of lettering is across the bottom of it - it reads.. "NOW HIRING!"

  • Your character MUST have an affinity for the type of work they are wanting to do; if not it is possible to become Emadra's pupil for the type of work they wish to do in the future. 

  • Emadra is a Beastmaster; So the only thing she has problems with, really, are the voidal creatures- and even then so she's still very kind. If you bring in any type of mount/minion that is an animal of some sort, please be aware Ema will be able to sense if anything is wrong with them.

  • You may join me for RP ANY time -- if you just wish to RP because your mount is sickly, or you need Ema to train your companion, or wish to buy/sell/trade. I am almost always open for the RP.




[align=center]If any of you are interested please send me a /tell in game or send me a message here and I'll get back to you as soon as possible! All RP will be held at Treespeak Stables and/or the Gold Saucer[/align]



[align=center]I also have an LS just for this (OOC chat); and we will be doing events soon enough.[/align]










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This is a really neat idea! V'aleera might pop by to get a check-up for her chocobo sometime.


And depending on the details of the cavalry guard position, she does have experience with mounted combat on a chocobo and may be able to assist if someone with that skill set is needed.

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This is a really neat idea! V'aleera might pop by to get a check-up for her chocobo sometime.


And depending on the details of the cavalry guard position, she does have experience with mounted combat on a chocobo and may be able to assist if someone with that skill set is needed.

Sounds awesome! 

There will be payment for each position ICly, and I would love to RP with you about it soon. :)

I am on at random times of the day, so we may catch each other eventually! haha.

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Chiyo's been looking for a sponser to help prepare her chocobo for the races so this should be helpful! She also has a pet drake icly she needs to set aside for now.

It was fun RPing with you today; I look forward to more! :D

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