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Hello from beyond the wall of sleep.

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Guess I should do this before I get too post crazy on my first day.



--MMORPG background

I've played....loads of games.  MMO's I hit a lot later in my career and it's always been because I'm chasing friends down that rabbit hole.  It's always a fun trip, be it lower key MMOs like Ragnarok Online and Dungeon Fighter to bigger brand titles like FF and WoW.



--RP experience

I've played Table Tops  (D&D, Shadowrun, Exalted, Whitewolf's lines) and RPGs (Why yes, I played final fantasty games, how did you know) since I was a sprat (Definition of Sprat becomes older and older as I continue to drift into the depths of linear time).  I think I'm alright at it, and I have a lot of fun doing it, so I think I'll keep on going.


RP(g) has always been a fun, unifying experience for me, so it's fun to make friends, meet people, and weave stories with people.  That's the key point to it for me: Making stories.



--Character ideas/info

I've got the one I'm using on Balmung currently linked in my sig!


--How did you learn about the coalition?

Google, the internet, link diving.


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Medium.  I park in areas pretty constantly between DOING ALL THE THINGS and just join whatever seems to be available.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I'm actually an AI who can pass the Turing test and uses an algorithm that harvests internet content to turn tropes into RP posts. (Maybe. Probably.  Possibly)

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