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Independent Book publisher seeks talent

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On a job-listings board you spot a headline written in elaborate script. "Writers, artists and poets wanted!"



Upon closer inspection the flier it appears to be a open call for submissions. It reads:



"Eorzea's contemporary arts need support, and we are here to support them. Offering payment for finished works and artists salaries for comissioned pieces, we aim to create a publishing company that can represent the undiscovered artists of our era.


Our offer is simple: Convince us that you are the next rising star of Eorzean fiction, and we will handle all matters of printing, publishing and promoting. Your job as the artist is simply to create and follow your vision."


Should you wish to inquire further, please contact:

Felicity Tinker






This is a project of my main character Lekka, presented here by her associate in the venture.

The basic idea is to exploit some of the un-used talent that doubtless exists among the masses of the populace.

It is presented as a Patronage to art, and that is true in many ways, though obviously it would never happen if it was going to be a zero-profit venture.


That said! If you have a character whose soul burns with the passion to create stories and have them published for others to read; perhaps this is the perfect opportunity!

As an additional OOC note, I am EU timezone. So should it be that you are super interested but our times rarely overlap, I am sure we could arrange some correspondence in the form of PM's/ingame letters acting as the communication between publisher and writer.

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