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Chocobo Escort - Order of the Twin Adder

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The following is posted in the Nest.




[spoil][align=center]Attention Yellow Serpents![/align]


[align=center]The Everwatch, a mercenary company allied with the Order of the Twin Adder, is looking for volunteers to help clear a supply line to Hyrstmill. This effort is sanctioned by the Order and volunteers will be rewarded with serpent seals. Persons interested must be well versed in the weapon of their choice and have received honors with the respective Guild, and be a member of the Order. We will meet in the Nest on the 15th Sun of this Moon and proceed from there![/align]


[align=center]SIGN UP NOW![/align]

[align=center]Priority will be given to Everwatch members, there is limited space! Let us know youâre coming below![/align]


[align=center](dashes for names)[/align][/spoil]


OOC Details:

[spoil]Chocobo escort mission

Sunday, Jan 15th at 8pm EST

Lvl 50 Required

We will RP before and in-between the supply runs, but for the actual missions weâll put our game face on. They are pretty intense.[/spoil]

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