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The Black Label Society (Brynhildr)

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The Black Label Society is a Rank 7 Free Company on the Brynhildr (NA) Server associated with the Maelstrom

We are a close knit group of players composed of all types from casual to hardcore, raiders, gatherers, crafters etc.



The one big thing that unites us is a love of RP (Role-Playing) within FFXIV and we pride ourselves as a group that is capable of both being good at the game mechanically as well as tell compelling stories with the characters we have created.

We are associated with the growing RP community on Brynhildr through the Lorekeepers Linkshell with an ongoing and engaging chronicle that has been in play since the launch of A Realm Reborn.



We are also players who enjoy helping others gain maximum enjoyment from the game we love, which includes helping newer players learn the ropes via our growing library of class guides as well as tips on breaking into RP and squeezing that extra bit of entertainment out of a great game



If you find yourself interested in joining us in our continued adventures in Eorzea and beyond feel free to send an application in-game, post a reply here or contact anyone you see with the tag next to their name.

Thank you, good luck and good gaming!

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