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Hi, I'm Sapphire! I've been roleplaying for almost six years, I started on World of Warcraft when I was 16-17ish and have been RPing on different games and forums ever since. I started playing Final Fantasy about a month ago because my boyfriend recommended it and I've really enjoyed it! I know the basics of the game's lore but there's probably a lot of stuff that I still need to learn. I play a lalafell black mage and she isn't maxed yet, only level 32 as I type this. I have a character concept and back story for her that I've been working on and I roleplay with my boyfriend on a regular basis. I'm also in a RP FC on Zalera but it's very light RP and I'd love to get involved more in the roleplay community of this game.


Anyways! I'd love to get to know you guys. If you play on Zalera and want to contact me in game, just send me a PM and I'll send you my main's name. Thanks for having me on the forum. :moogle:

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