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Out of Character LS Repearling 2/24/12

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I would have weighed in on the other thread, but it was locked, so I guess I'll say it here. Nobody gives a damn what I think and I'm very much aware of that, but I guess I just think it's important that people understand that ostracizing others based on petty squabbles is unforgivable.




Due to the asinine behavior on the part of its members, I will never accept an offer to join the OOC linkshell. That the people responsible for what happened are still welcome in the community at all is appalling and disgusting, because now they're aware that they can do whatever they want and there will be no negative repercussions. I refuse to be a part of that.

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I'd like to kindly ask mods to please lock this thread too. The point of this topic has already served its purpose and this thread is already derailed enough as it is. With guidelines in place in the other topic, I really see no point in keeping this thread open either. Please and thank you in advance.

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Locking to due Gospel's request.


I am sure this is pointless to say, since those who think it already will not stop doing so because of these words, but I am trying to stay out of all sides of this... incident or whatever you call it. Just trying to keep the peace, and also not silence critique if it's legit and not simply finger pointing. If you /do/ wish to say more on the topic, please start a new thread.

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