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Hiya. Help?!

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Hi guys. So..I started the game back when it first came out. I think for prelaunch, launch and then played for about a month or so afterwards. 


I want to make a new toon to relearn how to play, but, in order to do this, I have to join a non-rp server. :( I don't want to have to do that. 


While I am pretty much a newbie, I'm not new to rp. I'd love to join a free company to help me get going and get the help I need for the game. People who I can harass with lots of silly questions. Like.. O.o I can't even remember how to /emote.


I'm on the Gilgamesh server with several toons..soo any help would be much appreciated. :D Thanks!


(And since I found this after I posted my thread, I'll work on it: )


--MMORPG Experience:  Oh dear, I've played a lot:

Everquest 1 and 2, EQ2 I played for nearly ten years-ran a few rp guilds even, Aion, Guild Wars 2, Flyff, Elder Scrolls Online, Star Trek Online, Star Wars Galaxies, Eve Online, World of Warcraft, Tera, Rift, and I'm sure there are a bunch of others I can't think of right now.


--RP experience: I've been roleplaying since..back in the Yahoo Chatroom days, almost twenty years?


--Character ideas/info: I have several toons, I may or may not have had ideas/stories/histories and what not for them when I played the game before, but at the moment they are all blank slates. I'd love to incorporate them into any FC plots or what have you.

--How did you learn about the coalition? Oh, I've known about it since before the game was re released. I think, I may be wrong on the exact date, but I know I found it before I started a new character on the game, because I wanted to join the rp server straight out of the gate.

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy? Probably a good mix of all of these. It really depends on what sort of friends I make and what sort of storylines I get involved in.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? Hmm, I'm an artist..I love animals, I have four cats, four dogs and an opossum. Uh...there's probably lots more, but it's pretty boring!

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I don't own a free company or anything of the sort, but if you need help learning the content again or something I'll be happy to help you clear etc.


You dont know how many times I've helped people learn fights via DF they just went blind into. . . its a miracle I'm so patient xD

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