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Mythril Wings


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High on a hill overlooking the sea is the Scholar's Roost, a hub for mages, scholars, engineers, and mercenaries, and a haven for outcasts of all descriptions. We are the Mythril Wings, and our mission is twofold: to pursue knowledge for its own sake and for the benefit of all peoples, and to protect and shelter the downtrodden, the forgotten, and the hopeless. While nominally acting under the sanction of the Maelstrom, we follow a code of conduct that is all our own. Ultimately our intentions are good, but we're masters at finding creative (and sometimes illegal) ways to achieve our ends. Are you a bit of a rebel? Do you love to experiment with 'forbidden' magicks, or hold political views that could get you killed in certain jurisdictions? Or do you simply need a home and a steady job? You might fit right in with the Mythril Wings.


[align=center]OOC Information[/align]






[align=left]We are a rank 8 FC on the Balmung server with a medium house at Ward 4, Plot 29 in the Mist. Our focus is primarily on RP, and most of our members would consider themselves to be medium to heavy RPers. We encourage our members to get involved in plotting story arcs for the FC, and we try to make sure each individual character gets a chance to shine. 



Our official company RP days are Saturday and Sunday evenings, and all members who are in game on these days are encouraged to participate.  We typically start at 6 or 7PM PST and continue RPing into the small hours of the morning. We can also be found RPing at various times during the week. Note that we tend to keep late hours even by PST standards, so we're a good FC for night owls (less good for 9-to-5ers, although anyone is welcome).


Recruitment is always open. If you'd like to join, please fill out an application on our website here. Feel free to contact our officers in game with any questions you may have about the FC itself or the application process. Our officers are Adeya Evenar, Asheloux Thalantos/Zephel Balthoux, Synn Heolstor, and Solenne Lagarde/Michaux Vidal.


RP quality and lore compliance are very important to us, so all prospective members must submit an application on our website and participate in an in-character RP test. If you're new to RP, you're welcome to apply, but be willing to learn from more experienced members. If an application is rejected because the officers didn't think your character concept complied with the game lore, you are welcome to tweak your character and resubmit your application. We have standards, but we're not unreasonable.


When you join our FC ICly, be prepared to get swept up in our stories. We are a lively group of trouble-prone misfits. We venture into dangerous territories and get involved in hazardous situations. We commit crimes (for the greater good!), make powerful enemies, and play around with ancient artifacts that are probably best left alone. Expect to take plenty of risks ICly. Character growth through adversity is encouraged. 


Having said all that, please note that our RP does sometimes include mature topics such as crime, blackmail, violence, strong interpersonal tension, unhealthy relationship dynamics, and in rare cases, torture. (Sexual themes are not permitted.) If you are uncomfortable with any of these subjects, this might not be the FC for you.




[align=center]Mythril Wings Shivtr Site[/align]

[align=center]Mythril Wings Tumblr Page[/align]

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  • 5 weeks later...

We're still around and still recruiting. While most of our members are currently busy with Heavensward, over the next few weeks we're hoping to get some more plots running. Given our focus on helping Ishgardian exiles, being able to actually get to Ishgard opens up many interesting possibilities for us.


In any case, feel free to poke one of our officers here or in-game if you have any questions or would like to find out more.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Updated and bump!

Hinterlands exploration and Sharlayan library have been ICly explored! Moving towards heading into the skies to Azys Lla! Waiting for Lord Commander Aymeric (AKA the best NPC in the game) to grant us leave and supplies to head up there!


Meaning waiting for 3.1 and getting more time to recruit and learn more about current Ishgard state of affairs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated to add this clause in the OOC information:

Furthermore, when you join our FC ICly, you are subject to the IC happenings of our FC. We are ICly an FC that does stuff. We go on adventures into dangerous territories and interact in hazardous situations. Our goal is character development for everyone in the FC and pushing the limits of IC actions. Expect to take risks ICly and put your character into dangerous situations. This isn't to say to be prepared to permadeath your character obviously, but we encourage growth between characters interactions

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi! Are you all still active and recruiting? I'd love to know a little more about your FC. My character Solenne used to be one of the leaders of a band of adventurers that smuggled falsely-accused heretics and other refugees out of Ishgard/Coerthas. She is still wanted in Ishgard under her alias, Lady Winter. Her old group disbanded, but she might be interested in getting back in the game with a new one.

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Hi! Are you all still active and recruiting? I'd love to know a little more about your FC. My character Solenne used to be one of the leaders of a band of adventurers that smuggled falsely-accused heretics and other refugees out of Ishgard/Coerthas. She is still wanted in Ishgard under her alias, Lady Winter. Her old group disbanded, but she might be interested in getting back in the game with a new one.

Yes we are! 

Feel free to contact any one of our officers in-game for more info/an IC interview/RP test. We don't have a super formal application process but the IC interview lets us know what your character is like and gives you an idea if you'd like to join us or not. 

...We're only like....68.5% crazy after all xPP haha


But yeah, we're always recruiting and love new people!

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