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Art Resources

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So, in talking with ARTiculate RPers in-game I decided to get off my butt and start working on an Art Resource master post for the RPC.


This will likely take quite some time for me to get all of my resources.

Should anyone else like to add to this, feel free to PM me the links and I'll post them in the master post here and the posts below.


I'll be sorting through links and making headlines and all sorts of stuff in spoilers.

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Art Topics

Art history, Current-Events, Hot-Topics, Other Resources, Etc


https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/art-history-basics Khan Academy, free art history courses

http://besthistorysites.net/art-history/ Very large resource of art histories, web portal




http://distractify.com/culture/30-of-the-most-creative-business-cards-ever/ Inspiration for Business Cards.



http://www.colormatters.com/color-and-design/basic-color-theory Color Theory, easy to understand and great resource




http://practicaltypography.com/ Butterick's Practical Typography



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Digital Media

3d, Tablet, Digital Photography, Painting etc.




http://www.ctrlpaint.com/ Website dedicated to tutorials, video

http://theartcenter.blogspot.com/search/label/Painting%20Process Ambient Occlusion aka Painting B&W and overlayering color.

http://idrawgirls.blogspot.com/2010/02/three-important-rules-for-painting-and.html 3 important rules for painting.


Digital Looseness

http://jackiesimmondsartyfacts.blogspot.com/2012/08/help-i-want-to-loosen-up.html How to do a painterly style.

http://idrawgirls.blogspot.com/2011/02/achieving-looseness-in-painting-digital.html More painterly digital style.



http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/349/3/b/quick_and_easy_cloud_tutorial_by_kayoru-d5o4912.jpg How to paint clouds.



http://takuyarawr.deviantart.com/art/Tricks-SAI-smooth-lineart-208228690 Line stabilization.

http://imgur.com/a/sbLFM Hair tutorial.



http://apanational.org/ American Photographic Artist society

http://digital-photography-school.com/ Great online resource, tutorials +more

http://www.dpreview.com/ DSLR + Other Camera reviews




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Motherload of Tutorials

Mixed contents and very broad "all the topics"


http://www.quickposes.com/ Figure drawing, photography. *Some NSFW

http://www.posespace.com/ Figure drawing, photography. *Some NSFW

http://www.posemaniacs.com/ Figure drawing, 3d.

http://senshistock.deviantart.com/ Senshi stock figure drawing, photography.

http://kate-fox.deviantart.com/gallery/33813240/Tutorials-steps-and-sketches Kate Fox's poses.

Senshistock's baby bases





https://www.pinterest.com/characterdesigh/ Very broad resource, extremely large. *May have NSFW.

http://sirius-sdz.deviantart.com/ Amazing resource for textures, all free to use.

http://cunningfox.deviantart.com/favourites/2978504/Useful-Textures-and-tutorials?offset=24 Collection of mostly digital tutorials.

https://www.youtube.com/user/FZDSCHOOL/videos Large digital tutorial collection, videos.



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Current Art-Blogs and Websites

List of current Artists and Creator-blogs/websites.

Please note if there's NSFW content.


FFXIV & RPC Artist Websites


To be added to the list please follow the following format:


Website: (Your website)

Medium: (Your preferred medium)

NSFW: (is it?)


http://dnguyenart.blogspot.com/ 3d & Traditional, *some NSFW




http://foxberrystudios.deviantart.com Digital

http://dana-weise.deviantart.com Digital Photography




http://foxberrystudios.tumblr.com Digital

http://weise-photography.tumblr.com/ Digital Photography

http://zaheela.tumblr.com/ Digital, Anime. *Can be reached in-game for art related. (Rhea Zaheela)




http://www.dnguyenart.net/ 3d & Traditional, *Some NSFW




https://www.behance.net/weisephotography Digital Photography




Social Media


http://deviantart.com General user-based art gallery. *NSFW is tagged

http://furaffinity.net General user-based art gallery. *NSFW is tagged

http://behance.net More professional than deviantArt, Adobe owned. *NSFW is tagged

http://tumblr.com General user-based website, art tagged, *NSFW not always tagged

http://www.pixiv.net/mypage.php#id=10640723 Japanese deviantArt. *NSFW is tagged.

https://www.paigeeworld.com/ General user-based art gallery.




http://twitch.com Has a 'creative' category.

http://picarto.com All creative work.

http://streamup.com Similar to how Justin tv was, much smaller.




Supplies & Misc.

Artist Alley, Supplies, General Websites, Where to Buy Stuff, etc.


http://artistsalleyinfo.tumblr.com/ General Artist Alley tumblr

Really good text resource

http://www.animeboston.com/artists/artists_alley_beginner_guide/ Anime Boston's Artist Alley 101

http://blog.crashbanglabs.com/2012/04/how-to-artist-alley-pricing-and-you.html Pricing at Artist Alleys




http://www.utrechtart.com/ Local to bay area, varying art supplies

http://www.dickblick.com/ Local to bay area, varying art supplies

https://www.mendels.com/ Local to bay area, fabrics

http://www.planesofthehead.com/index.php Planes of the Head, mannequin.

http://bhphoto.com Largest photo-store in the US.




https://artistsnclients.com/ Website for commissioners to post their prices.

http://elance.com Website for creators and clients, somewhat like paypal.

https://www.furbuy.com/ Website for furry artists to sell their art. *NSFW is tagged.




http://www.mvprinting.com/ General printing services

http://cheapestmagnets.com/shop/ Button printing services

http://www.overnightprints.com/bookmarks Bookmark printing services




*Note: No illegal links are allowed.

http://firealpaca.com/en Like SAI Paint Tool, but free.

http://www.renpy.org/ Visual novel creator, no licensing required. *Python knowledge required.

http://tyranobuilder.com/# Visual novel creator, no licensing required. Very easy.



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Something to add as an up and coming artist, practice. Seriously, practice and push your skills. The biggest pain in the ass truth in art is that it's a muscle skill. The only way to get better is to practice day in, day out. Don't just practice character drawings, practice real world skills. Do studies, learn light, value and shape. 

It can be boring, it can be stressful but it pays off. Get in the habit of drawing something new each day and you'll become a better artist in no time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not so much a resource but an update that people may find important for SAI users concerning Windows 10.


There's been a bit of the sky is falling where it is concerned, this being said the link below explains why people should not be afraid of compatibility issues and throw away Windows 10 forevarh.



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