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Awkward cookie is going to be awkward and post an introduction because I'm terrible at ice breakers.


--MMORPG background

I've been on a lot it feel likes. Actively roleplaying I've been on Aion and Tera namely, a short stint in GW2 but real life had a way of taking me out of that. Outside that I've always been active on Neverwinter as a player as well as Elder Scrolls Online, as I never had much luck with finding open roleplaying outside my small group of friends on either. 


--RP experience

Now this I have done a lot. Both on MMOs and on play by post forums, dating back when Ezboard was the primary and new fangle RP board of choice. I'm still highly confused by twitter and tumblr roleplay which I believe shows my age... okay I'm not THAT old. I got my start on AOL pokemon boards and Neopets... yeaah that was a looong time ago. 


--Character ideas/info

Currently, my main girl, Seren Blackbourne is a little Hyur conjurer, aiming for White Mage job class. I like to play healer a lot, and with a fresh new gaming pc, I can without being stuck to laptop mousepad. Story wise I haven't gotten much outside she isn't exactly fond of her family (go figure), and likely adventuring to separate herself from them. I like being a small, compact pocket healer. 


--How did you learn about the coalition?

I personally blame Verik. 


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Medium to heavy, I really like the roleplay aspect, but I do like playing the game sometimes as well. Having a bit of a hectic real life schedule that can change on short notice, does make it a tad hard to be super zealot on any sort of RP schedule. I just want to RP and play. I tend to go on leveling kicks if higher level armor is pretty though. I have a real thing for having a wardrobe because thats totally what your inventories are for right?!


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I am someone who really enjoys table top RPGs, anime, comic books, ghost hunting, and yada yada yada. I'm out of college at this point and work a day job, and have a contract second job that calls me out every now and then on short notice. I usually open up about that sort of stuff once I get to know people more. Coming off of a few failed forums that ended, I got all nervous about posting places again, largely because I've joined a lot of communities during their dying phases and did a lot of work, for nothing. So I'm glad to see things alive and active!

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