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Seeking new friends

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Well, Hello all. After traveling about Eorzea for fifty levels I find myself bemoaning the fact that my friends list contains only two names, one of which I haven't seen hide ner hair of for over a month. Now I've been told that male Seekers are a solitary lot, but come on...this is ridiculous. I would sincerely like to expand my list with fellow RPs. Its lonely having no one to talk to, ya know?


  My name is Flashman Foxx. I'm on CST but I play at all hours. You are as likely to see me loitering about at 2am as at 2pm. Please feel free ta chat me up if ya see me on. I don't bite, cept in a pinch, or a fight...



( About Flashman Foxx who is a Miqo'te Seeker with an indentity problem which he is unaware of even having. As a foundling brought to Gridania by his adoptive father, Bard Deepwynd Foxx, Flash grew up in a large and loving home of Midlanders. In his mind that's what he is, a Midlander like his parents, and two large ears and a fluffy tail are nothing more than somewhat annoying cosmetic anomalies. While he is fully aware that there are others in the world sporting those same 'anomalies' he really doesn't see the label of Miqo'te as applying to himself. In fact he knows nothing about Miqo'te customs, culture or his own clan of origin.

If you ask him his age he will tell you 17. He's a bit older than that but at 17 he lost his family to the Calamity. He believes that somewhere they are still alive and that he will eventually find them. Until he does as far as he is concerned he is 17.

Flashman also has a rather curious affinity for alcohol, which he drinks in great quantity. Although he tries quite diligently to get drunk, he never does. In fact a Lala he chatted up one night wanted his liver for dissection upon learning this little tidbit. Flashman assured him it would be a long wait as he had no intention of parting with that particular organ for at least another 83 years.

Shy to start a conversation, probably natural Seeker reticence, but gregarious once engaged in one, influence of upbringing, Flashman just wants to make new friends.)

Always In Character.

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