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In character plays and shows.

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I've talked to a handful of people about trying to put together that illusive performing troupe LS that no one seems to be able to stick to : P and we came up with a few hurdles in the form of questions I'd like to pose to the community.


1) Would you rather watch a play "in person," or as a video? They both have their pros and cons. A play you actually attend would be on a stage, like the amphitheater in which we would be unable to do anything as far as sets. It might attract griefers as well, but without that actual "in person"ness, you lose out on the ability to RP reactions and whisper back and forth with your fellow play-goers. In video form, the players could do their acts in appropriate settings that might add to the visual experience as a whole. Personally I prefer the idea of a video, or possibly doing both, but I'm starting to answer my own question, so I'll leave this to you guys!


2) Would you rather see a production of an existing IRL play that was modified to fit our setting, or something original? Obviously a mix isn't a bad idea, but original plays will take time! So I suppose the real question is, would you find an Eorzea-fied preexisting play boring?


3) If said performance group were to host "amateur night" events, would you be interested in attending? Please mention if it would be as either a performer or an audience member.


4) And, of course, feel free to add anything else! Suggestions, questions, whether or not you think the idea is stupid, whatever!


Thanks to anyone who leaves feedback! If the response is mostly positive, we'll get this thing underway!

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Gosh, how many of these have there been now..? Succeed, damnit!


I think it'd be neat. A nice way to have people ICly relax and enjoy themselves (because that's allowed too!) somewhere other than a bar. I'm always rather interested in these things as well due to my character's love of dancing that she can't find a proper outlet for. Always wanted her in a troupe where she could perform under her stage name, but have people know it's her still. :3


I never even thought of videos as an option myself. That would be interesting, but it would lose a lot of potential for actual interaction and RP. I would like to see both, really, and see which works best in this setting.


I'm all for Eorzea-fied plays/songs/poetry. While it's commendable to write your own material, it takes a lot of time and let's face it, not everyone is that creative (-points at self, sad face-).


Amateur nights, awesome. SR had open stage night, and it was always fun. Magic performances, songs, poems, stories..


All for it Xenedra.

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1) In person, otherwise I'd feel excluded from any potential RP that may happen.


2) Spinoffs tend to get hacky unless done /very/ well. I am thinking of something like "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead" which is the offshoot of "Hamlet." Otherwise, an original play, preferably written by an IC writer-type, would be ideal. Thus if it's successful that person can play off of some fame and/or wealth.


3) I'd be interested in attending as an audience member, and maybe a performer. :joker:


4) Improv can be a tool used along with good writing to lessen the burden for the writers. For example, if you have the audience participate by calling out a phrase, and then let that effect the play. I'd really also like to see comedy/jester type performance, as a break from typical plays.

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Wanna see more RP-plays, love them <3


1.) In person of course, much more fun to make an event of it that people can join and interact with eachother, a golden oppurtunity to meet new people and make new friends!


2.)Something original, something that already has been made has already been seen. I wanna see original ideas with massive plot twist, heartbreaking moments and stories that would stay in my memory for ages to come!


3.)Absolutely! A super oppurtunity to make you character known and let the rest see what kind of character your character is! A golden chance to make your name known and have loads of funs!


4.) Marketing, do it so that the entire server knows what will happen, when, where, how,parameters and just spam it so loooads of people will come. Use the lodestone for advertisements, use the forums and shout it in the OOC (Intermission) shell lots and lots! Hell, use IC characters to hand out flyers to other IC characters!

Also what I loved about the storytelling event was the seperate pearl. It's so much more easy to keep track on what is happening if it's in another channel. Make a new pearl for these events and hand them ((OCCly, or ICly)) out to those whom are attending, you can just disband it afterwards again!


Can't wait already!!

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1) I would prefer something like this done in-person, but I can kind of foresee certain pitfalls, though they're all probably fairly easily avoidable. If the play itself is being conducted through the /say and /emote channels, audience reactions are going to kind of muddy the waters and make it hard to follow what's going on. A temporary linkpearl could be issued to everyone in attendance to kind of circumvent this issue, so long as only the folks on stage made use of it, and all words and emotes that were part of the play could be run through this linkshell. This is probably more preferable than asking everyone to eliminate the use of /say and /emote for the duration. But I think the experience would be more real if it were conducted in-person and thus giving small groups in the audience the opportunity to react accordingly.


2) I would find an original work more interesting, but I think either way would be all right. Or perhaps some kind of a blending of the two. Maybe start off with Romeo and Juliet, for instance, and go a completely different route - perhaps Romeo gets chased by a goobbue at some point or whatever!


3) I would attend something like this, definitely. But probably as an audience member. It would take a lot for Eva to perform/act publicly.


4) My character's late fiancé was a writer and has a plethora of unpublished poems, plays, and short stories that I'm sure she would be happy to contribute, so I'm very willing to help from this angle, but Eva is not much of a performer herself, but would love to be in the audience for something like this, and I would love to see it work. Another thought I had would be to kind of set up "tables" for people in the audience. That is, put everyone into parties in which they can quietly talk (in /p channel) and discuss what's happening on stage and such. Just a thought~

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