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Fresh face rper

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hi all.  I recently  returned  to the game and boy did i miss playing.  As u can imagine,  most of the folks i played  with are no longer  on.  So,  i am looking to make new friends and connections .  I am also  looking to make a stronger effort into rp this time  around.


Rp style: not really sure yet but i would like to blend rp with pve.  Such as dungeons fates etc being relative to a persons story.  Not  sure if folks do that but if it is,  Plz pick me :) 


Character :L leona Ember.  He is a male miqote. Sell sword/adventurer. Known by some as Ember. He did not grow up among his clan due to inner conflicts and war forcing his parents to send him away.  In fear for his safety Ember's caretaker kept him safe , and secluded from the population. At 25 he is out in search of more information  about his past and to seek out his caretaker who has gone missing.  still needs some development i think(open to any advice). 


I would love to join a rp linkshell and hopefully  add rping to my gaming experience..  Also fyi i tend to get really nervous when trying to rping dunno why.  So a patient  group would be lovely.. 


Thx and hope to link up with yah soon.

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I would definitely suggest making a post in the new members section, a great way to really get your face out to the public at large here as well! I would suggest however that you drop the shortcut typing i.e. use "You" instead of "u" and "Thanks/Thank you" in place of "thx."


I do know that the world we live in has ingrained this nasty habit into the majority of the masses, but especially when it comes to RP, you'll find people become extremely put off by such lack of proper language as it diminishes the immersion of IRL self and RP character when the character speaks in such a particular manner - excludin' accents such as 'n dis' hur fashion ya h'r? - that doesn't befit realistic expectation. A typically good rule of thumb is to type the way you would expect if someone were reading a story you wrote, not a text message with u's and jk's or a terrible website that wants to call itself a "blog" and only allows a miniscule number of characters. It might also have a silly blue bird for an icon. But I digress!


Regardless, I welcome you to the site and I apologize for the mini-lesson, however I would so hate for you to turn your back to RP from a lack of commendable compadres. Remember, each time we improve our RP, we open ourselves up to much more than what we were capable of at previously levels! That all said though, feel free to hit me up if ever you should wish to RP or would even like some lessons on the usage of RP tools like emotes and /em.

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I would definitely suggest making a post in the new members section, a great way to really get your face out to the public at large here as well! I would suggest however that you drop the shortcut typing i.e. use "You" instead of "u" and "Thanks/Thank you" in place of "thx."


I do know that the world we live in has ingrained this nasty habit into the majority of the masses, but especially when it comes to RP, you'll find people become extremely put off by such lack of proper language as it diminishes the immersion of IRL self and RP character when the character speaks in such a particular manner - excludin' accents such as 'n dis' hur fashion ya h'r? - that doesn't befit realistic expectation. A typically good rule of thumb is to type the way you would expect if someone were reading a story you wrote, not a text message with u's and jk's or a terrible website that wants to call itself a "blog" and only allows a miniscule number of characters. It might also have a silly blue bird for an icon. But I digress!


Regardless, I welcome you to the site and I apologize for the mini-lesson, however I would so hate for you to turn your back to RP from a lack of commendable compadres. Remember, each time we improve our RP, we open ourselves up to much more than what we were capable of at previously levels! That all said though, feel free to hit me up if ever you should wish to RP or would even like some lessons on the usage of RP tools like emotes and /em.

 Thank  you for the info..  I will definitely  keep those things in mind.  No apologies necessary :)

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