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Looking for RP friends and Linkshells

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Greetings Everyone :moogle:


Not sure if this is where I can post this, but here it goes. I have two characters looking to make some RP connections and would like to join an RP-LS (not FC) if any of them out there are accepting new members on the Balmung server.


My Characters


Azure Siren: A scholarly Sea Wolf who has recently been spending alot of time in Coerthas to help with the rising dragon threat. She has also started testing theories in astrology and fate. (in prep for becoming an Astrologian).


Ishani Ayru: A Seeker of the Sun mercenary who tends to spend most of her time throwing herself head-long into danger. No dungeon too dark and no corner of the world too forbidden for this fiesty fighter, as long as the price is right.



Thanks, and looking forward to meeting some new RP friends! :)

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Greetings! Seems like you have quite the two contrasting characters going here. By chance might they share any sort of commonality amongst the two? I also highly recommend checking the link marked Linkshells and browse through for some Linkshells and FCs that might sound like the sort you'd want to be involved in.

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Thanks for responding Riordyn,


Aside from the two knowing people in the FC they are both in, no. They are seperate characters. Thanks for the suggestion with the LS section on the website. I was looking it over and might have found a few. :D

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