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Ruffians Wanted

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Why hello there! This is rather short notice, I do understand, but I find myself attempting to close out a temporary scene in an arc that I have been developing. My issue is that the ever-inquisitive Riordyn will need to be kidnapped - he has been asking far too many questions and sniffing around a little too hard for a to-be-named individual's liking. What I need are three goon-types to carry out the kidnapping for me. It doesn't matter if you are actually a bad guy, since the scene will only call for these people one time as nearly-nameless street thugs who proceed to run at the first sight of any real danger, the cliche "I'm not being paid enough for this!" or "He didn't mentioned anything about this happening, supposed to be an easy job!" Honestly, you can even put up a small fight if the mood strikes you, just know that you will need to make a run for it at some point while shouting for corrupt Brass Blades



If anyone is free to possibly toss on a bandana, ruffle their hair, and rub some dirt into their hands, I would appreciate a notification here. The small event in question will be taking place:


Location: Ul'dah, coordinates to be determined

Time: Please be free around 11 PM EST, though the event relies on another matter concluding first so this time may fluctuate a tad.


And while I could just toss the three into the words of a /em, I thought this would certainly add a little more flavor as well as allow people to either get their feet wet with RP (speaking to the new members in particular!) or play around with a different personality. Or even begin the criminal career that you've always know you wanted before mom and pop drove you to be a lawyer!


My thanks for taking the time to read this!

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