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Looking for People

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There are several ideas I have in mind that I'd like roles filled for. Not necessarily all of them, but at least one at a time would be preferable.


My first idea is for someone to play an eager student-like character who is interested in learning all types of magic. Garza will then take them along on all types of dungeon trips and journeys to ancient ruins to teach them the history of the magics and how they can be applied. The personality of this character does not have to be anything made up by me, they can be snarky, rude, polite, or anything you feel comfortable writing for. No gender requirement or race requirement.


My second idea is Garza having a White Mage Companion which he argues with about all sorts of healer nonsense. Debating which of the two forms of healing are better. Ultimately, they still take care of each other and are great friends, but express their friendship through argument and in alliances together, they often banter about the quality of their heals or the style in which it was done. (I think it could be fun.) There's no gender requirement or race requirement.


My third idea is for Garza to hire one, or maybe even two hunters or mercenaries to uncover information from him from ruins or various other places he'd be unable to traverse on his own. He'd come with them to document the information and keep them safe. (places like the wanderers palace, amdapor keep, the lost city of amdapor, etc.)


If anyone has any tweaks to the idea or would like to get involved, please post here or send me a private message so we can work things out. I'd love to get roleplaying with players in game as soon as I can.


Thanks in advance.

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