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Looking for Rp Partners + Seafairing FC

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I'm just starting to get back into rp in ff14.


I adore my Lalafel and really enjoy rping as her, but I want to really stretch my rp muscles and get back to my old self. I've gotten lazy with my roleplay standards. 


I'm looking for someone that para rps 


So I'm looking for someone that can challenge me to write better again, but I'm also looking for potential romantic rp. I'm tentative, because obviously I don't want to sign her off on a character without rp. Sometimes character just don't connect well romanticly, but it's something I'm definitely looking into. In regards to the romantic rp, my character is straight so that would only be applicable to male characters. ^-^


You can message me in game or here. My in game main is Laloke Loke.



P.S I'm also desperately looking for sme kind of pirate/sailing/merchant ship guild. Loke has this dream of being a sailor/pirate. 

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