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Sick Kids (Ul'dah)

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[align=center]HELP CURE



Attention all Healers, Alchemists, Chefs, and Performers of all kinds!


Many hard working parents in Ul'dah cannot afford the high prices of potions and other remedies offered by a local establishment and city merchants for their children, who suffer of illness.


A healthy community is a happy community!

A healthy community is a productive community!

A healthy community is a just community!


Join the cause to help Ul'dah's sick kids today![/align]


[align=left]You can volunteers as a:


Performer - Entertain the audience for donations for the cause. Compensation for lengthy performances is debatable!


Alchemist - Create free or low cost medicine to prevent future illness. Funding for such will be available!


Cook - Provide meals for those gathered and the kids. A full belly goes a long way in recovery!


Healer - Restoring the sick kids back to health. We need you most of all![/align]



We will set up a tent to tend to kids in Gold Court on the 30th Sun of this Moon, on the 21st bell. Performances, free food, and other events will take place nearby, so please visit even if you cannot volunteer! Donate and save the city's youth!


This event is sponsored by the Everwatch.

All interested persons please send your ravens to the Everwatch HQ located in the Adder's Nest, Gridania.




((OOC info:

[spoil]This is a purely IC event, and no actual items need to be made or distributed, unless you wish to do so! Same is said for any Gil transactions, no Gil will be charged off your person, but keep in mind that the character is donating it, so keep donations within their means. All healing will be role-played out, and will be for the most part text based. Performances are encouraged to be RP'ed out as well! Since this is purely a volunteer gig, nothing needs to be too fancy.


Assuming that flyers went out to the poorer neighborhoods of Ul'dah, there should be a number of kids assumed present ages 5-12, among the crowd of Player Characters. I will make note of this during the event, but please feel free to RP with a kid in the crowd, as I cannot possibly DM the entire event and keep up with all the interactions! I may randomly start an encounter and leave the RP'ers to continue it, if they wish.


I hope to get some nice turn out as it could be a good way to unite for a noble cause. No one can object to healing sick kids right? To volunteer please respond IC'ly to this thread and we'll assume that was sent to the Everwatch HQ. Even if you cannot volunteer IC'ly please do your best to come by and RP ^_^


Time & Place:

March 30th at 9pm EST

Ul'dah Gold Court[/spoil]

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[bah though I'd like to attend this I'm feeling fairly doubtful I'll be able to. Tomorrow/Today I'll speak with my boss who's making up the schedule to see if I can't get off early that day. If so I'll post an update here with an IC letter. Mihana would assist by preparing meals for those in attendance and the children. Though she's not a big softie one can't turn away a kid in need after all... :angel: ]

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