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Some funny bits.

F: Back at Fan Fest you talked about how some mobs float with a second bladder – how does fat chocobo fly? Does he have a second bladder? Is his cake magic?

KF: The cake is motivation enough. Oda-san even wrote it in English. It just says,

“Anyway, this cake is great.


Something interesting

A: The Second Coil of Bahamut seems to imply that the Lamia were Allagan chimeric bioweaponry. Sastasha HM, however, seems to imply that are “over-drowned” pirate wenches. What are Lamia, and can this give insight into the background of other enemies, as well?

KF: This one goes back to deliberate misinformation. It’s in both versions, in English a bit more so. In many games, NPCs tell you exactly what’s going on in the world. They just know everythingabout the lore and everything is true. In the real world, people don’t always have the answers, even though they talk like they know what they’re talking about. We wanted Eorzea to have that feel, as well. There are lots of different theories, but not everyone has the right answers. People sometimes assume things that are relative to their own lives; if a Lominsan sees these Lamia with their scimitars and they think pirate, what else could it be, for them? They don’t know about Allagan technology.

Particularly, the part about what NPCs tell you. -Misinformation-


A: Long ago, Yoshida-san mentioned that Niellefresne’s story would be resolved, but we got so few references to it in A Realm Reborn. With Lolorito’s ascension, might it have been saved for Heavensward – and might we see Heartstrike again?


KF: Another Oda-san answer:


Do you remember Nielle’s younger brother?

He will be making an appearance in a crafting questline…

Heartstrike? Nielle? WHO?


Another thing!

THE LIBRARY IS HERE! It's not as expansive as hoped but it's a start.


A: We have the names of two other members of the Ul line – Sasabal and Nanasha. Were either of them Nanamo’s parents?


KF: Yep! That’s them.

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A: In one of the early quests, you see other people in the aetherial realm flying around the Mothercrystal. Who are they? Other adventurers?


KF: Yeah, the Mothercrystal talks to many people. You’re the Warrior of Light, but she has to have other options. Not everyone is Warrior of Light material and there are lots of other things going on.


Oh my God, The Warrior of Light is the Slayer.


Maybe it'll turn into Season 7 of Buffy and all the "potentials" will wake up someday.

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