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Airships to require 4 crafter party. (INTEREST CHECK)

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So the letter read today said that a fc will require 4 members to form a party to construct an airship. Now on the one hand I am relieved that is all thats required as we have that locked down.


On the other im a little upset so of the smaller fcs we hang with wont be able to have that and also we cannot directly help...... so I am going to indirectly help.


This thread is to test the community need and willingness to help smaller fcs take to the skies. If there is interest, with the help of the mods maybe stickying the thread when I make it. I will make a thread that will list crafters willing to help members of smaller, crafterless fcs powerlevel some people, at least 4.


Crafters willing to help would be listed in the op, along with times available. Crafters may ask to remove their names at any time. Also volenteering only obligates you to one set level (ie 35-40 or some other set).


Those being leveled may request on the thread and will be listed as well. Fcs being helped will be checked for size and need. Have 4 or more crafters will disqualify. Person being raised must provide mats including aether.


So let me know if there is interest in this rpc, and if so ill write up a thread after work.

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This would be AMAZING for us! My boyfriend and I started a FC with our friends but they lost interest in the game and so it is now just us 2, but we have a house and a workshop and are gaited behind the 4 player wall. So we would love to be included in the 'small FCs that need help' list :) Our FC is Echoes of Seraphim.

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This would be AMAZING for us! My boyfriend and I started a FC with our friends but they lost interest in the game and so it is now just us 2, but we have a house and a workshop and are gaited behind the 4 player wall. So we would love to be included in the 'small FCs that need help' list :) Our FC is Echoes of Seraphim.


You would still require 4 members to construct the ship. Once you have 4 I will be happy to help you guys powerlevel a class each assuming you bring the mats.

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Erik, I have a second Reiner (Listed Reiner Dorne) I am more than willing to bounce him about to different FC's and aid in this. As both an IC or OOC help with the airship crafting.


My two notes is currently I do not have any leveled (but really, that doesn't take very long at all) And second that I really have not read up on how the airship stuff works at all. But hey, Ready and willing to be tossed on a list. 


Main Reiner is hitting 60 the moment I get home which should leave me ample time to level up crafts and such to get this done.



For anyone interested in contacting me, Here aswell as ingame on Reiner Dorn is quite easy.

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