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Keeper of Moon looking for plot line partner and/or connections

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Priestess of Menphina and Keeper of the Moon, C'irce Si'dereal is a bit rambunctious, impertinent, and self-centered. She took up the holy mantle to gain status and has since become bored with it. She is seeking someone to keep her company and entertain her. If you feel you can fit the bill, please send an in-game mail or a PM on here. If you feel they wouldn't get along, send one anyway. Antagonistic connections are better than none at all! Feel free to ask questions.

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  • 8 months later...

This is still valid and I'm still searching for an RP partner for this storyline idea. I'm also open to suggestions and/or development of different ideas. Please PM me or send me an in-game mail if you'd like to discuss this!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, if you want to hang out with a fellow keeper, my male keeper Misha'to would be open for that sort of thing. If you're fine with hanging out with a disgraced keeper who doesn't talk with his family anymore.


She might not mind, depending on the reasoning for the disgrace and how well they get along! But, connections are connections! ^_^ Should hit me up in game sometime!

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What's the plotline, actually?

Well, that's the thing! She was originally created to be an antagonist inside her FC to start a storyline arc and make the rest of the FC come together for a common goal as they never had before. But, the FC kinda died off in action and she's just kinda... broody and looking for something to do! At this point, I'm rather open to adjusting or rearranging things to make something work. She's still a relatively new character and hasn't had much RP, so she's very much in development at this stage.

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  • 3 months later...

Update! She is currently in a Free Company and has taken up her bow to be a huntress, once more. Sassy, more than broody, she's decided to bury her past and pave the way for her future. However, it's safe to say her past won't stay buried forever. Your mistakes and burned bridges always have a way of catching up to you or cornering you!

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