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Server: Balmung


Leaders/contacts: Eva Ianeira (along with several other designated 'keepers' whose purpose is simply to help with linkpearl distribution and forum moderation) - there is no leadership structure here as this linkshell is not an organized company but rather serves as little more than a tool for in-character communication between friends.


RP Style: Heavy


Website/forum: http://www.crystalline-rp.net


RP element: A group of friends and colleagues that use the linkpearl to keep in contact with one another


Headquarters: n/a


Recruitment: By Invitation Only




[spoil]The Crystalline Imperiatives


(Some rules and guidelines which should be followed to enhance everyone's enjoyment.  For clarity's sake, these rules are strictly OOC.  There are no IC rules as there is no real IC "structure".)


1. Respect all other members [OOC] before all else.  This does not mean your character needs to respect other characters.  But as a role-player you need to be mindful and tolerant of your fellow guildies.  We encourage everyone to not only take the reins with their own story arcs, but also to share the spotlight with their comrades and be a part of their roleplay.


2. There is an expectation that all members will be in-character over the /linkshell channel at all times.  In the event that you must be OOC, please be certain to use ((parentheses)) to indicate that what you are saying is out-of-character.  This should, however, be utilized more in channels such as /party, /tell, and /say.


3. The linkpearl is an audio-only tool which is a hybrid of magical and technological in nature.  These may be worn wherever a member chooses and may be turned on or off in the same manner.  Emotes may be used so long as they are audio in nature (for example, *laughs* would make sense whereas *smiles* would not).


4. There is no in-character class structure to the members of this linkshell, however there are a handful of trusted members who are regarded as "Keepers."  These people have no rank or power over any other members in any way but have been entrusted to help moderate the forums and distribute linkpearls to new members.


5. Acceptance to the linkshell is handled by invitation only.  There is no formal application process.  Interested parties may speak with any known member.  Any existing member of Crystalline may post on our forums a request to the rest of the members of the linkshell if they feel a friend of theirs would make a good addition to the group.  These decisions will be handled on a case-by-case basis until a more formalized process can be nailed down.  Discussion threads are removed prior to a new member being given forum access.


6. There is no "overarching storyline", however all members are free to bring their own unique stories to the group and while members are encouraged to participate as often as possible, there is no requirement for this.


7. Be conscious of godmode and don't do it.  While it's understandable in some instances that certain characters (i.e. NPC villains) need to be "larger than life", no character should exhibit any traits which set them on an entirely different level than the rest of the RP community.


8. Don't metagame.  Character journals and other information may be posted on the forums with the expectation that the events described are kept private unless otherwise expressed.  If you as the player know something that your character does not - ensure that your character behaves as he/she would without that knowledge.


9. ERP - If you do it, keep it off the linkshell channel.  In this linkshell's previous iteration in Vana'diel, we had a PG-13 rule to limit adult content.  We have unilaterally decided to do away with this policy, and more adult-themed content is now acceptable, however we ask that you please don't abuse this.  Anything deemed excessively violent, sexual, or otherwise maturely-themed in contrast to the spirit of this change will be frowned upon and dealt with accordingly.


10. While rule violations and conflict issues are not something we anticipate happening very frequently, any issues that may arise should be brought privately to Eva.  If you have a problem with something another roleplayer is doing, I would urge you first to communicate with that RPer and see if you can find any sort of compromise before approaching me.



Please note that these rules and guidelines may be changed or amended at any time for any reason.  The thread in which these rules are posted on our forums will be bumped accordingly in such instances and I will try to remember to update this thread here on the RPC as well.[/spoil]


Additional info:

Crystalline has been around for awhile now and slowly growing itself.  While we are a heavy-immersion linkshell (IC is meant to comprise 100% of the /linkshell channel content), we are a relatively laid-back group of friends who are open to role-play with just about anyone from any other community.  We just wanted to make a thread here to announce ourselves since we are open to RP with the greater community.


Who We Are:

Crystalline is a smaller group of RPers that exist across a number of other companies and allegiances.  It is not a company in its own right, nor does it have any statement of purpose other than to serve as a means for friends to keep in contact with one another.  The linkpearl itself, while regarded by name, is treated as little more than a tool for communication.  It was handed down to Eva from her father, and pearls were initially distributed to a number of her trusted friends.  Now, these friends sometimes find friends of their own to bring into the group.


What We Do:

Crystalline was originally created with the intent of being a 'secondary' linkpearl that members could use to remain in contact with friends across a variety of other linkshell/company allegiances.  All content that takes place over the linkshell channel is expected to be conducted in-character.  Events have been arranged from time to time, just like any other linkshell.


Our Recruitment Practice:

New members are brought on by invitation only and there is no formal application process.  A brief discussion usually takes place in private between all existing members prior to an invitation being offered.  If this is something you are interested in, you may speak with any current member and at their discretion a thread on our forums may be created to discuss this possibility.  Please be aware that we are trying not to grow ourselves too quickly and such requests to join may be denied not for any personal reasons but for that alone.


What We're Looking For:

In new members, we're looking for those who respect RP and may be looking for a part-time alternative to their own primary linkshell.  We have no expectations of our members that they be around often, nor that they participate in everything - though we are of course pleased to hear friendly voices over the pearl as often as possible and rejoice at such interactions.  As of the time of this posting, the linkshell channel may remain quiet for hours at a time, but often when one or two are looking for something to RP [often when their main pearls are quiet/OOC], it has been known to spring to life rather quickly.

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  • 5 months later...

I'm leaving the linkshell description as-is for right now, since things have not yet changed, but I wanted to give notice that Crystalline as a linkshell would be changing its focus post-ARR. I've created a thread HERE with more details about the forthcoming changes which is open to discussion, and of course please also feel free to visit our forums at the link above.

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