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Looking for an FC/LS

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I am on the hunt for an FC (even an LS) that has a dark theme to it. Mob, black market, underworld? Even if it were a trading company who wants to hire someone to do all their dirty work. Nearly anything non Good! I know I have heard people talk about pirate FCs but either I log in and the wrong time or I just haven't seen them.



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I'm actually starting up a FC now that has elements in it that I think would appeal to you.  The Zephyr Lily Co.


Fame, glory, fortune, or maybe even just a roof over your head. The Zephyr Lily Co can't offer any of that yet. Following recent disaster the company is a shattered remnant of its former glory hoping to rebuild.  



It is a FC centered around an airship crew that no longer has an airship due to the actions of their former first mate. And not only do they not have an airship, but they had to pay out a lot of money on failed contracts when they lost the ship. Basically their outlook now is they need money, and aren't above doing some shady things to make that money.


I'm trying to hit a very morally grey outlook for the FC.  I do want some people who are morally upstanding, but shady characters are more than welcome. I find that mixing the two types in one place makes for some great RP. Our Quartermaster, member of the old crew, is a con artist and a murderer on the run and the Free Company leader is a sort of corrupt paladin.


For structure, it is now basically a rag-tag group under the leader, but as they rebuild they'll get to be more structured.


I've been giving people the option of just joining as a new member, or while we're building up giving them the option of retconning their character to be a member of the original crew.


Send me a PM here or contact me in game if you want to talk about it or for more info!


My character is Sayuri Meiken, I should be in game today from about 5pm EST till fairly late.

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