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Seeking Airship Crew and Maintenance personnel

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The Wandering Tonberry Free Company has a grown interest in taking to the skies and is looking to expand their research and development department. Potential employees should have a basic understanding of magitek and mechanical devices.  as well as be proficient craftsman. 

Duties would include ship building and maintenance, as well as other daily repairs in the workshop and around the lodge.

New employees are encouraged to interact with the existing staff.

Knowledge and practices of hunting monsters is a bonus.



(( Wandering Tonberry is a Mid-sized FC with a very active RP community, no doubt going to any any battle competitions around Eorzea and we have been seen...  They are Neutral/Good aligned, and hunting based for more information on the FC itself contact Flynt or Ritsu Knoltros.


As for the R&D side of the house, we are looking for more mechanically inclined RPers! the majority of the staff is not very familiar with "these new fangled machines" and is seeking to make a small group of dedicated builders and creators.  Benefits would include hands on with the new airship features, as well as a cut of the spoils! Not to mention a chance to roll with the infamous Berries! We do lots of content/RP and a mix of the two!   For more information on becoming a part of the R&D dept, contact me, Kiri Komori )

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