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A wandering healer looking for contacts

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Hello you wonderful lot!


I’ve been completely away from any RP since the day I signed up earlier this year, due to real life. But now I’ve managed to get me some time to properly try (again) and start a role playing journey, for which purpose I’m making this post.




Z'leilan Yelho





Z'leilan is the sort of a wandering healer, who finds herself where people most need her abilities. Whether it is the sick pauper, living in the gutters of Ul'dah or the fallen warrior in the fields of battle, she is ready to help the people to the best of her abilities.


What I'm interested in would be helping You with Your character storyline if you happen to require a healer for some reason and/or Your FC in case You lot need to run into a healer during, say, an event or such.

I would also prefer RP "out there" in the fields, rather than inside the big cities. Don't get me wrong: I love all kinds of role playing, but the things that happen "out there" tends to be much more intriguing and ofter more exciting!


If any of this sounds like what You might be interested in, or if you think Your role playing might need a healer to pop in someday, please feel free to add me to Your friends and/or /tell me in game!


And for the record I live around UTC+3.


- Z'leilan Yelho

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