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Offering RP-contact for.. RP!

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Are you thinking backstory for your character? Do you want new friend? Or do you need old friend/acquaintance for your character's backstory? Well, I am offering my hand! :thumbsup:


But really... Idea here is that I am willing to help people with their backstory, allowing them to use Jerciex in it, just contact me and tell me about it.

It can be hostile, friendly or neutral. Up to you! Let's discuss more about details in private!

I have noticed how many RPers (I am one of those as well) are fretting the fact all contacts are basicly new ones and just met. But where is all the family? Old friends? Co-workers? And other contacts from past?! :?


This way I am giving RP-contact to people in need and I get more people to RP with! "Win-win"-situation in my opinion ;)


Here is couple suggestions for possible ideas and contacts I would like to have (and offering couple ideas for people who don't know how to start) in RP:


Colleagues: Serpents (Order of Twin Adder)

Well, if you are in Grand Company.. It makes sense you know people from it.


Old enemy/rival:

There happened something between you and Jerciex and now one of us is upset to otherone for some reason.. Note: This doesn't have to mean characters will start fight when they see eachother, but there is some conflict.


Family: All sort of family members are welcome.

It can be cousin,  distant family member, sibling etc. It would make sense there is family around you. Usually everyone's family is dead or gone somewhere. So it is little bit sad, I am sure someone is alive and near you! NOTE: no need to have same surname or anything!



Another veteran (From Battle of Carteneau):


I would love to interact with survivors of Battle of Carteneau. See how skirmish affected their characters and their life.

During battle Jerciex was mostly behind the lines, taking care of wounded and helping with evacuations. He suffers from nightmares from there and someone close to him went missing during battle. (More details will be given if needed.)



New person:

Even I have been talking about contacts from past.. But I am always happy to meet and RP with new people. Don't hesitate to walk-up on me.. If you don't.. I will! :lol:


I have other suggestions too, but decided to stop here. Don't hesitate to contact me and ask for more details! I am open for ideas too!

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Are you thinking backstory for your character? Do you want new friend? Or do you need old friend/acquaintance for your character's backstory? Well, I am offering my hand! :thumbsup:


But really... Idea here is that I am willing to help people with their backstory, allowing them to use Jerciex in it, just contact me and tell me about it.

It can be hostile, friendly or neutral. Up to you! Let's discuss more about details in private!

I have noticed how many RPers (I am one of those as well) are fretting the fact all contacts are basicly new ones and just met. But where is all the family? Old friends? Co-workers? And other contacts from past?! :?


This way I am giving RP-contact to people in need and I get more people to RP with! "Win-win"-situation in my opinion ;)


Here is couple suggestions for possible ideas and contacts I would like to have (and offering couple ideas for people who don't know how to start) in RP:


Colleagues: Serpents (Order of Twin Adder)

Well, if you are in Grand Company.. It makes sense you know people from it.


Old enemy/rival:

There happened something between you and Jerciex and now one of us is upset to otherone for some reason.. Note: This doesn't have to mean characters will start fight when they see eachother, but there is some conflict.


Family: All sort of family members are welcome.

It can be cousin,  distant family member, sibling etc. It would make sense there is family around you. Usually everyone's family is dead or gone somewhere. So it is little bit sad, I am sure someone is alive and near you! NOTE: no need to have same surname or anything!



Another veteran (From Battle of Carteneau):


I would love to interact with survivors of Battle of Carteneau. See how skirmish affected their characters and their life.

During battle Jerciex was mostly behind the lines, taking care of wounded and helping with evacuations. He suffers from nightmares from there and someone close to him went missing during battle. (More details will be given if needed.)




New person:

Even I have been talking about contacts from past.. But I am always happy to meet and RP with new people. Don't hesitate to walk-up on me.. If you don't.. I will! :lol:


I have other suggestions too, but decided to stop here. Don't hesitate to contact me and ask for more details! I am open for ideas too!

War Siren was a


veteran of Carteneau. She lost almost all of her close friends, they were a Free Company on the Front Lines, and she's been left scarred by the event figuratively.



So I'd be up for RPing sometime!

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