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The Resolve of the Dusk

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Cataclysmic events and acts of mass devastation have a tendency to force one's hands in ways once thought unheard of or even unimaginable. 



Individuals may be forced to do things they wouldn't, adhere to things they normally wouldn't accept, and find themselves side by side with one's they may have once considered foes.



The once nomadic and tribal Xaela-clans, forced into retreat and refuge from their beloved homeland, taking "residence" within Eorzea due to the attacks of the Garlean Empire. 



Such trial and tribulation brought the once strong people and tribes into a scatter, no longer holding true unity with their tribesman and kin. Instead the vast majority wander a new-land alone, forsaking their tribal ways and instead adapting to those new around them but in truth turning their backs on tradition.



Through determination, despite many setbacks the regrouping of The Resolve of the Dusk persevered.



Witnessing such acts first hand, the betrayal of tradition and honor by fellow Xaela ran rampant throughout the new lands. Those whom held what'd appear oblivious to their own people's way of life back upon Othard, to the very shame discarding such sacred rights brought upon not only them but those that came before them festered forth like a wildfire.



Realization struck, words such as 'Unification' and 'Equality' were not something that held as important as 'Tradition' and 'Honor', sacrificing those two sacred elements of their people was something unforgivable to the Dotharl and Mankhad that lead their group. Watching so many others debase themselves, the way they all honored the Duskmother herself. War.



Jagun Dotharl, the once proclaimed 'Guide' for his people's unity no longer cared for such concepts. Unification was unimportant in comparison to tradition.



Though, a simple concept of bringing together the strength of the tribes and casting away their weaknesses was still his desire. Realization that not every Xaela was born equal holding a new reality but instead molding their people into a force that could take back that which was wrongfully ripped from them; Their home.



With the difficult task set before them; they now turn to the lands of Eorzea searching for others whom would join their cause.... 



Those whom long to return home to Othard, those whom wish to honor the sacrifices of the fallen, those whom desire to maintain the way of their ancestors and people, and of course those who desire nothing more then to enact their vengeance upon the Garlean people whom forced such radical needs to begin with. 



Those are whom they seek to gather, the gesture of preservation under one War-band.

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As much as I'd like to join the FC, I'm already in a great one. I'd love to join the LS however!




Of course! The linkshell was made for people whom are happy in their free company already. We want to build a community that wasn't limited so by all means message me(Jagun Dotharl) in game and we'll finish talking about it there and get you in. ^_^ Can't wait to hear from you in game!

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