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Stood in the Fire

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Why "Stood in the Fire?"

Because my first choice, "We Set Up a Tent City in the Void Zone" was too long for a Linkshell name.  :(


Okay, what?

"Stood in the Fire" is a Linkshell for those of you interested in the PvE experience who may be at a loss as to how to get involved.  Want to queue for a dungeon, but scared to use the Party Finder? Stood in the Fire is for you!  Need help getting through the Primal Battles, but you don't know where to look?  Stood in the Fire is for you.  Have questions about how your class or job plays, or the role it takes in dungeons?  Stood in the Fire is for you!  Traumatized by your last Duty Finder and need a moment to rant? Stood in the Fire is for you!


Why not just queue for Duty Finder?

You totally can and should!  But sometimes people are nervous about that, or they want to avoid the 300th tank that doesn't know what CDs are and the 500th healer who can't quite figure out which buttons heal you and which damage the mobs. Oops.


Why should I join?

Because we're awesome!  But, really, if you're interested in networking with both RPers and non-RPers interested in the PvE endgame and story, this is a great place to start.


Do I have to be an RPer to join?

No.  But you DO have to be friendly and respectful towards role-play.


Sounds great!  How do I join?

You can either contact me or one of the pearl-holders listed below in-game:


  • Liadan Summerfield
  • Gallien Vyese
  • Tumensuns Ugund
  • Caedmon Scythean


THE RULES (because you know we have to have them!)


  1. Be excellent to each other.  No one likes a jerk. Don't be a jerk in this Linkshell.  No fighting, no put downs, no name-calling - BE NICE, DAMMIT. Sometimes we may talk about challenging concepts and personal matters, but please be courteous in all discussions. :)
  2. Please keep the ToS and EULA of the game in mind during discussions. Openly discussing things like the DPS meter or RMT can get you banned.  Please don't bring that into the Linkshell.
  3. Please leave the drama at the door.  If you are having a problem with another player in the Linkshell, please approach them first in private and attempt to work it out.  If that doesn't work, and you don't want to see what they're saying, try Blacklisting them.  If you're having an issue with them harassing you in the Linkshell itself, speak to myself or a pearl-holder and we will deal with it.  Verified harassment in Linkshell of other members is grounds for a ban from the Linkshell.
  4. HAVE FUN!  The most important thing about playing a game is that it's fun!

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