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Hello everyone!


Over a year ago I transferred myself over to the Balmung server with the intent on joining some roleplay but almost immediately after I ended up leaving the world of Final Fantasy XIV.


But now I've returned! And in the past couple weeks I've been reintroducing myself to the world and moving myself through the story content I had missed.

At present, I am knee-deep in Heavensward and while part of me wants to focus on finishing the main scenario, I also want to scope out the roleplay community and perhaps get my feet wet. Maybe even see if there's a Free Company willing to take me in.


Truthfully, with how long it's been since I last roleplayed regularly, I may as well be brand new. I'm very rusty and it has been a while since I've crafted stories with anyone but myself.


So, while I try to settle in and get comfortable with RP again, thank you for having me!

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