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raini's characters!

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I. Basic Info


  • Characters: Caelia Silverarch, Rivienne Sorel, Lune Vormold, Karima Ejinn, Ness Morioka
  • Primary character: Caelia is, but the others I can bust out on request.
  • Linkshells: none that are for RP purposes.
  • Primary RP linkshell: none! But I'd like one. :D

II. RP Style


  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
    I'm fine with any, really. If you want light and silly, storylines, stuff in between, I'm fairly flexible.
  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    Yes please? Though for any of them there would have to be a reason ICly to do so, but I do like combat and injuries. Things like that are things to be talked over, however! No death, though.
    I can write it out, I can attempt to dice it but it's been a long, long while since I've played that style, or it can happen off-screen. Whatever floats the boat, I'm usually game.
  • Views on IC romance:
    I'm ok with it! Caelia is with someone, and she won't be swayed otherwise, but everyone else is fair game, and varying Hard Modes. I do like surprises though, so if something takes an unexpected turn, I'm usually ok with it. I don't do erp though, so if it takes that turn, it'll be a fade to black and implied later on.
  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
    Old friends? I'm ok with that. If you want something in one of my character's backstories, I'm totally down with that too.
  • Views on lore:
    I try to stay as knowledgeable about lore as possible, and if I can work my characters around it, I will. Alternatively, I don't mind things that bend lore, so long as it's believable and not completely out there and has a decent workaround.
  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
    /tell is usually for ooc for me, so if you start RP there, let me know that's what it is? Otherwise, I don't mind normal chat, but if my partner (or sometimes me!) is self-conscious about it, party chat is where it's at outside of emotes or whatnot.

III. Other Info

  • Country: 'Murrica
  • Timezone: PST (GMT/UTC -8:00)
  • Contact info: Here, in game (usually on Caelia or my main character Alair Valaias - she's available for RP too, just not in the capacity of the ones listed above,) skype (~nyamonyas, just tell me that you're from the RPC/ffxiv in any message sent,) or on my tumblr.

[align=center][glow=blue]~Special announcements can be found in the posts below~[/glow]

Wikis will be around sometime soon. I need to stop being lazy with them.


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  • 2 months later...

Minor update; since I've had a pretty open schedule as of late, that will be changing, save for weekends (new Mon-Fri job for the foreseeable future!) I'll be available, starting tomorrow, from about 6pm-11pm PDT Mon-Thurs, and whenever I sleep/wake up for Fri-Sun, with sleeping hours around 11pm on Sunday night. Whenever this assignment ends, I'll probably go back to an open schedule. We'll see.

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