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Crystal's Call (EU)

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[align=center]Comprised of Aldenard, the westernmost of the Three Great Continents, and its surrounding islands, the realm of Eorzea has been the cradle of several unique civilizations throughout history.[/align]

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[align=center]Towering mountains dominate the north, their peaks forever lashed with icy winds; to the south, a bleak expanse of unforgiving desert holds sway.[/align]

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[align=center]These inhospitable lands hold irresistible lure for man and monster alike, for wide and deep flow the currents of aether, and rich are the veins of power-infused crystal.[/align]

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[align=center]In this harsh though vibrant region, the people of Eorzea have carved out their histories—a cycle of prosperous Astral and disastrous Umbral eras.[/align]

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[align=center]Yet despite suffering through these disasters, the realm and its people still stand tall. Adventurers flock from all over Hydaelyn to this prosperous land to hunt for their own fortune.[/align]

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[align=center]Eorzea is a realm filled with mystery and she is one that longs to be explored. Of course, where there are secrets there are dangers awaiting to reveal themselves to those that dare disturb them.[/align]

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[align=center]No matter how experienced the adventurer, these dangers can not be silenced with sword and spell alone.[/align]

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[align=center]Will you heed the Crystal's Call?[/align]


What exactly is Crystal's Call?


Crystal's Call is a new roleplaying Linkshell for players based in an EU timezone on the Balmung server. Roleplay-wise it is, simply put, a group of people who have come together and formed some sort of a community.

Whilst EU focused, we are more than happy to welcome members from all over the world if they wish but please be aware that the majority of events will be focused around EU evening time.


The group is comprised of adventurers, friends, rivals and perhaps even enemies who have joined together for a common goal, brought together by coincidence or even fate. They take on different jobs that come their way whilst travelling and exploring Eorzea. Think of them almost like a mobile Adventurer's Guild relying on each other.


In a way, we aim to create our own Final Fantasy-esque story line within the realm of Eorzea. Recruiting new party members, exploring ancient ruins, discovering strange artifacts and developing relationships (good and bad) that will last through the ages.


While there is a Linkshell story line being created and tinkered with, we also wish to expand and develop our characters through the efforts of each member. Every person is unique when it comes to story ideas, so if you have an idea you would like to try out, you're more than welcome to here! In fact, we encourage it. Roleplay is a group activity, and that is what we hope to encourage within the Linkshell.


For joining the Linkshell, please drop me a poke and we can discuss setting something up. I'm hoping for the Linkshell to grow 'naturally', with most of the invites occurring through actual RP. I also plan to keep the linkshell relatively small to start with to see how we get on and then, should folk be happy to, expand it little by little.


If you have any further questions or if you are interested in joining, please feel free to send Seidan Buhen or Young Merchant a /tell in game, drop us a private message or leave something here. Thanks!

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Throughout the different city states, several notices have been posted around taverns and the adventurer's guild. They are cheaply designed and appear to be nothing more than a dirty piece of scrap parchment with messy scribble upon them. For those who are patient enough to decode the awful handwriting, they would find the following:


"Golden Dodo Industries is looking for able bodied workers.


Couriers, sell swords, craftsmen, adventurers. If you have a talent, we'll find a use for it. All work will be handsomely paid for.


Interested parties please make yourself known to a Momodi Modi of the Quicksand. She will set up an appointment on our behalf."


A rather basic advert, though it gets the point across... Right?


((For those who wish to inquire about the above, please send a /tell to Seidan Buhen or Young Merchant to get things moving for you.)

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