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Returning after long absence.


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It's taken a long time away from the game, but I have made it to Balmung via World Transfer.


This will be my only non-Legacy character.


I'll be picking up from around 2.2 or 2.3 content-wise, and will be looking for assistance in starting a small Free Company for the Maelstrom. In the meantime, I will take up work on a feasible Midlander background and will see if I can get an invite to a linkshell or two.


Look forward to seeing you folks around Eorzea.

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Welcome back!

 Returning player and planning to form New free company? Sounds like you have interesting plan for future ^^ and that is good! It might be hard work to start new fc but like they say.. hard work rewards ;)

If you need new contacts for rp , I am willing to offer one :)  There is two rp linkshells I am in, so be in touch and I try to get you into one atleast ^^ they are full mostly tho but there is change always!

welcome back again!

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