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Looking for all types of contacts!

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I recently came back to the game and while I've got a FC that I have alot of fun with, I haven't got many(any) RP contacts outside of it. So basically, I'm looking for people who want to do long or short term RP, linkshells that are either IC or OOC meant for Roleplayers, and a few new friends outside of my FC. 


A little about my character: Orrick Thackery is a 25 year old Adventurer who while skilled with a lance has recently taken a liking to the study of magic and tinkering. Though his personal pursuits may seem to be ones of learning, the surly young Hyur's primary motivation is and always has been the pursuance of treasures and trinkets with which to build his personal wealth. Naturally curious and tactless, he gets himself into more than a small amount of trouble when confronted with secrets, and openly refers to himself as "nosy."


So, if you'd like to RP just add me in game! I'm on primarily on weekends! (Forgive the post, it's quite late and I'm quite sleepy.)

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