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Needing FC Petitions for Au Ra-Exclusive FC!

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My friend and I are trying to start up a Free Company, but we need 2 more Signatures. Whether they be from people who are looking for a brand new FC or if its just a passer by to sign then leave. Either will work!



FC Details, for those who wish to join a newly created FC.



Au Ra - Exclusive. PvE/RP, Fresh and active community. End-Game/Raiding. A nice casual air about the FC, something family-friendly but also 18+. This about all we have written out for it right now, but we are pretty Keen on keeping it Au Ra exclusive, Alternate characters are okay, but We are not looking to recruit any other races. (Both Raen and Xaela are allowed.)

The FC is called "Dawn & Dusk " after the Father and Mother in Auri lore.



I'll be online for the next 2 hours(it's 1:30AM right now, so I'll be off by 3:30AM and then back on sometime tomorrow.) So if anyones interested or willing to just sign and leave afterwards, would be lovely~ Contact Kai Motokawa in-game!



I hope this is fine to post here, I don't really like reddit and I can't sign into the official forums to post this there.. ;;





Got my signatures~ ♥

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I'd be happy to help with both of your petitions! Will keep an eye out for you, or if you see Aris Frey online send a /tell and I'll hop onto an alt and sign. Will leave when the FC is created. :) Usually online GMT and EST early evening.


Hopefully catch you both! If not, best of luck sorting it out. I found shouting in a city state a few times often lures out sympathetic, helpful, people.

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