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Hello, Role-Play Coalition!

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[align=justify]Hello! I am the player/writer of Vaerimont Lectoroix (Balmung) and am typically referred to as Vae, Vaer or Vaeri out-of-character for short. My role-play background isn't particularly extensive, but writing has been a hobby of mine for some time and upon discovering the role-play community, role-play itself was easy to adjust to and quite a lot of fun! I've been role-playing on Balmung since December of last year and am only now deciding to become particularly active on the RPC forums. I do have a Tumblr with which I have made a myriad of contacts and friends, but now that I've an RPC profile I feel I can properly introduce myself to another facet of the community.


I would consider myself a heavy role-player in regards to frequency and consideration for canon lore. At present I do not have an active wiki for Vaerimont, but if anyone is inclined to know more of my character I would ask that you refer to the post that I had made in the Directory of Contacts for New Players thread and, of course, do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested in role-play or just wish to get to know me.



Thank you!

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