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Hi there!

I'm new to FFXIV, but a longtime fan of the Final Fantasy series!  Most of you guys might know my husband, Dogberry!  I generally play on the PS4, and my favorite thing to do so far in the game is craft.


Here's my answers from the template!


MMORPG background

I've only ever extensively played The Elder Scrolls Online.  Before that, I've played approximately 1 hour of Guild Wars 1, and I got to make a character in The Matrix Online on another friend's computer before I realized that my computer's hard drive at the time didn't have enough hard drive space to download the patcher.  As far as mechanically similar single player games go, does Xenoblade count? xD;


RP experience

I'm 33 years old, and I've been RPing in some form or another since I was 15. Online, I've helped manage several email based ElfQuest RP groups, participated in several different AOL Chatroom RPs back in the 90's, co-ran a forum-based Original Character RP for the Xenosaga series, and done several Dear Mun threads on Livejournal with various characters, both original and canon.  Locally, I played tabletop games pretty regularly up until the past couple of years.


How did you learn about the coalition?

My husband and Xenedra!


What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Considering that I have a whole lot of heavy stuff going on at my place of work, I'd like to start out light.


Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I love to draw, and write fanfiction.  My favorite series is the Xeno series, mostly by Monolith (Xenogears, Xenosaga, Xenoblade, soon to be Xenoblade X).  I'm also pretty good at CSS and HTML, and I've kept and maintained my own website in one form or another since 1999.


Looking forward to talking with you guys!  o/

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Thanks so much for the warm replies!  


I'm still working on the finer points of my characters' backgrounds, but I'm excited to get to RPing!  :3  I kinda wanted to go through the main campaign on at least one of my characters before cementing anything, but here's the tagline for my main:




Kiryll Antiqua had been a beggar on the streets of every city he'd ever been to until he was fifteen.  Picked up by Lady Susuno Suno, a strict aging Ul'dahn moneycounter who was in need of a new manservant that was pleasant to look at.  In the span of the next ten years, Kiryll went from an errand boy Lady Susuno often forgot the name of to her indispensable and put-upon butler. Lady Susuno was very unkind to all of her servants and a vicious businesswoman, so she had no heirs, successors, or friends.  No one was surprised when she was murdered.  Kiryll, not being part of the plot to murder her, was not a benefactor of the spoils from her plundered estate, so unless he wanted to go back to begging, Kiryll had a choice of his own to make after so many years of being trained not to have one.  Option one was to find another rich monetarist to be a manservant to.  Option Two was to break out of his shell and start adventuring. He's glad he chose Option Two.  His days of keeping napkins folded properly and tea served at just the right temperature are (hopefully) behind him now that he has joined the Thaumaturge's Guild. He still can't shake being unnecessarily polite and generally deferential to others until his patience is truly tried.  He developed an air of passive gullibility working under Lady Susuno to try to keep himself from being bullied by other servants, but underneath this air is an angry and intelligent young man who was robbed of his chance to rebel.




I'm glad there's a few people here into Xeno* here!  :3  


Vale, I am very excited for Xenoblade X!  I also hope it's not gated by Gamestop.  Every Blade related exclusive of theirs has turned into a complete disaster, both XBC's initial release and then the Shulk Amiibo.  >_<


And Sig, I'll totally look you up!  Sigurd Harcourt has been one of my favorite characters for a very long time!  One of my alts (Beaufort Fatima) is heavily inspired by his appearance. My other alt, Thratia Steele, is heavily inspired by Dominia, and when I first visually designed Kiryll, I was thinking of no one else other than Kahran Ramsus at the time, but as I've started to work Kiryll into his own character, he's lost a lot of that Ramsusy feel to him.  ^^


And yes, Bryn, we should totally RP sometime!  :D

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I pre-ordered the Shulk Amiibo online about 4 months before it was released, so at least I didn't have to deal with that mess. But aye, I've heard about a lot of the nightmares with them ^^ I don't think (I hope) Nintendo is going to make the same mistake a second time with the new game coming out. *crosses fingers*

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