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Xaela Pally-soon-to-be-DRK looking for connections!

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New to Balmung, new to FFXIV and FFXIV specific RP [but not RP, in general, I’m an experienced RPer], desperately wanting to dive into it here! [and please, have patience with me! As I said, I’m new to FF RP, so I’m still acclimating, may make a stupid mistake or two d; ]


My girl is a bit anti-social and quiet, but if you see her hanging out in Ul’dah [as, if she’s in a city, that’s most likely where it’ll be d:] don’t be shy! Feel free to engage! She loves strawberries and secretly craves some company. She may not say a lot, but she’ll listen, so if you’ve got a chatterbox that needs an ear, look me up!



Sechen Darkascher [Dotharl. one of these days, I’ll change it d:] I’m not looking for a FC, tho I’d be interested in a LS! Anyway, thanks for reading! Hope to see you, soon!

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