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Hello all ^^

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Hello everyone :flower:


I joined the website a while ago but haven't yet introduced myself so here goes!


MMORPG background:

I've played quite a few which include: Aion, WoW, FF XI (Only for about 3 weeks though ;_;), City Of Heroes/Villians, Guild Wars, etc.


RP experience:

I've RPed here and there on previous MMOs but not very often. The last time I was a heavy RPer was around 7/8 years ago on NWN1 O.o


Character ideas/info:

Work in progress as I've only just started playing again ^^;


How did you learn about the coalition?

I've been playing FF XIV on and off since earlier this year, but I found it via internet search when I first started playing :)


What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Ideally light - medium.


Anything from real life youâre comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

My real name is Jess, I'm 23 from the UK :D Hoping to get to know you all better!



I also wanted to ask a quick question aswell: Are there many RPers in the same timezone as me? (UK timezone) My main concern is that I won't be able to RP as I have noticed there are quite a few US RPers.

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