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Is back but feeling at a loss....

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Hey all I am so glad to be back among you awesome people and server! Alright here is the thing. I am looking for ideas for, Ari. ((will be writing her wiki soon)) I would love tips and maybe rp ideas for her. Those who know her knows she is one hot headed stubborn kitty. Yet she has a soft side for some...((not many)). Lol. So yea any input would be greatly appreciated! <3

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I'm sure there are some people who have experience with that character who could weigh in more effectively but I think it would be much easier were you to link to or post a simple outline or even some inspiration.


For example I don't know if the character in question is a Sunseeker or a Keeper, if they shun or enjoy the tribal life, if they're a citizen of any of the grand cities.


Throw your ideas out there and i'm sure some will come along to help you refine your vision.

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Ideas, ideas...


Okay, here we go.


One day, while on the streets of Ul'dah, you're on a cheerful little walk in the rain (because it's always raining in the desert in FF14 apparently... seriously pay attention to the weather I swear it rains there so much... but I digress!). It's a nice day, you're pretty cheerful, but a noise of a scuffle draws your attention and you look around the corner of an alley...


Within the alley, you spot four ruffians who've cornered a white mage. The white mage tries to fight back, but the men overwhelm her, and before you can reach them, they start heading toward the other end of the alley with her being carried and quickly gagged. When they spot you, one of the men disengages to intercept you and keep you busy, and the white mage takes advantage of that moment to struggle. They have her securely, though, but something falls from a pouch at her belt. 


You have a brief scuffle with the lone ruffian, but eventually knock him out and proceed down the alley in pursuit of the others, but they're long gone. Looks like that lone one did his job. Frustrated, you return to the unconscious ruffian and stoop to pick up the object the white mage had dropped - a sphere of mythril, highly polished with small intricately carved runes that glitter in the light due to their facets. How curious.


Left with two avenues of investigation - seeking the origin of this odd sphere, and questioning the unconscious man - you debate which to pursue... or whether or not you prefer a third option, which is to set the sphere on the ground in the alley and bat it around with your hands with dilated eyes and a twitching tail because that's an exciting thing to do with shiny rolly things.

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Well, Ari is a sunseeker. She despises tribal life....She is a nomad. She has no home really. She just basically goes where the wind takes her. She has a hard time trusting people. And has a fear of Nunhs. Has a dark past that she carries with her.


All right we've already got some stuff to work with.


If she despises the tribal life but is still a vagrant you could play up the conflict between those two systems over lapping, the character lapsing into the familiar tribal habits of her people because it makes being a vagrant easier, which in turn when realized causes frustration and perhaps a knee jerk move to the extreme in the other direction. (Maybe gets huffy about always wearing sandals and the strappy kind of tribal clothes so she goes off and gets something more formally Ul'dahn and then has to suffer through the heat for the benefit of not feeling like a sand-cat.)


To be honest those are all fairly common tropes so its pretty easy to work with the rest.

"A wanderer" can go "current merc" "past merc who still uses the skills" "Past merc who wants to leave that life behind" (plays into dark past.) or a transition between them.


Trusting people is fairly easy to work with, you can go the route of using it to make them more risky in that they don't use help/want to trust people to help make their way so they're often taking jobs on their own which can expose them to characters in the adventurers guild. Or you can go the route of using it to have them take up more menial jobs ala' Choco shite shovler at one of the various towns and just a general busy body.


Fear of Nuhns (shouldn't) come up that often ICly since there's comparatively few who would leave their tribe for any extended period of time, or venture out at all in the first place, but its still a trait that can be used.


A dark past can be worked with in a few ways, i'll presume something rape-y since that's whats implied through the nuhn dislike, often I feel that these work better when shown, not told. For an example (though the cause hardly compares) Quari's got a bit of water trauma. So when ever people are near open water he gets quite restless and will often be very close to supervise, but when its him by himself or around people he doesn't know he'll gravitate towards the mostly likely to be floating object if things go sideways.


Edit: forgot to explain that this can then be used to have her interactions with both people she likes and dislikes modified around the perceived threat, like I do with the ol' grump and large bodies of water.


Hope that helps, please let me know if you have any further ideas or questions.

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