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Hello my fellow compatriots!


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I reckon I have lurked long enough, I swore I had made an account about a year or so ago but for the life of me I can't find it now, so here we go.


Howdy all! I'm Harrow, recently returning to XIV with my crew from Wildstar. I actually played this game first and while my preference my brother wanted to give Wildstar a go, and since we hadn't mmo'd together properly in years we did so.


The experience and time spent was invaluable, but it was time to move on and I did so not just with the brother but two of the best people I've had the pleasure of meeting as well. We just recently got everything transferred over to Balmung and are in the sorting/leveling phase before starting up a group of our own.


Now I had just put that form in my inventory and... Aha! Here we go now! Warning, it is a bit of a wall of text.




--MMORPG background


I started playing MMO's with the old DDO. There I was primarily a cleric and luckily enough wound up in a great and caring group. I was eventually our main healer (Having changed over to favored soul) and learned a great deal before the guild shutdown there.


I went to a lot of different MMO's after that. LOTRO, Rift to name a few. It's ironic in a way that despite the MMO hopping I haven't spent much time at all in WoW (a few days because of a trial thing for a friend) So when TOR came around it seemed pretty new to me. I headed up my own guild there and found some success before the server merges. I floated about and wound up in an amazing Mandalorian RP group for about a year before leaving for GW, from GW to Wildstar and now here!


--RP experience


I've RP'ed for long enough to forget when it all started! It started out with DnD like things when I was pretty young. I played an uninteligent half-orc barbarian and had a great time. From there I've played a lot of warriors, poets and romantics of varying styles since TOR.


--Character ideas/info


My main is Eric Rosethorn, a military man who became a pirate after suffering a great personal loss in his former family. His once 'flowery' speech has mostly been replaced with simpler and direct patterns, a light version of Lominsian dialect for ease of reading/writing! A great beast destroyed his ship and killed much of his crew, he's just now finding the survivors and planning vengeance against it while they get back on their feet again as pirates and adventurers.


I'm hopeful to get to explore the ideas of loss, anger and in the long term hope/redemption or the fall/damnation.


Alt-wise I will probably go for a mad genius type character, someone with a great mind but is a bit bent because those kinds have always been great relief characters for me.


--How did you learn about the coalition?


Google. When the game was coming out I figured there would be one server or another the RP community would gather, and that led me here to a few posts about it.


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?


I would like to trend towards the heavy side in this game. I do intend to participate in end game content, but not on a hard raiding schedule. I would adore to get a certain slice of life element into my rp, and a strict raiding schedule would not be helpful for this!


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)


Ah shoot. I'm co-owner of a small photography company and owner of a start-up gaming company as well. These two things keep me occupied pretty well IRL. I'll be moving up to Austin TX early next year to set up the gaming company in full and expect to launch our first game late next year if all the schedules hold up! It's really exciting, but draining, I'm very much looking forward to having an MMO for my 'escape' time again!


For those that made it through all of that a cookie to you good sir/madam! I look forward to meeting many of you sometime soon!

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