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Foul Mouthed, Drunken Lalafell Merchant Prince Looking for Good Home

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“Well, Master Terakuni. It is finally time for you to catch up with that mouth of yours.”



The sun filtered through the soot-covered windows of the bar, coloring the table with a helter-skelter array of greens, browns, and ambers transcribed through the various half-empty bottles of spirits. In the middle of the mess, a small… drooling... but somewhat dapper face of a lalafell squished against the warped wood of the table. One, then two, bleary violet eyes opened, peering over to the well-dressed retainer.



“The fates are you talking about Adelbert? Damn…” Mikuni, the hangover lalafell, attempted to lift his head, “And where is that miqo’te gone off to? She promised me a surprise if I managed to….”



“She…” Adelbert cut him off, as he had to do from time to time, “Left. Along with half of your spending coin. You really need to stop…”



“Bitch!” Mikuni interjected, reaching for one of the amber bottles.



“... Doing that.” Adelbert deftly seized the bottle from the table, pulling out a handkerchief to wipe off the mouth before handing it back, “Besides, you know as well as I do that she was less than reputable when you picked her up off of the…”






“Street. I know you enjoy your flights of fancy, Master Terakuni but you need to…”






“Really, sir! Can you please!” A rare sign of annoyance from the usually serene retainer.



Mikuni picked up the bottle once again, lifting it to his lips as those violet eyes stared piercingly at Adelbert, “.... itch.”



“At any rate…” The calm waters returned as quickly as they rippled. The retainer slowly began folding up the handkerchief, “It’s not her visit you should dwell on. Do you not remember meeting with one Genman Tilwaes, an old friend of your departed fathers?”



“Tilly? What did he want….” Setting down the bottle, Mikuni glanced up at Adelbert, for the first time genuinely curious, “Can’t say I remember.”



“Well, he came to drink… As you are known to do. And during the course of the evening’s festivities… He began boasting about his time with the Maelstrom...”



Mikuni rolled his eyes, picking up another bottle. Glancing through it, he gave a huff, “Always about his service. I could do better if I actually cared to...”

“Fancy you say that, sir.” Adelbert responded hesitantly.



“Adelbert… I don’t like the sound of that.” Mikuni slowly set down the bottle, “What did you let me do?”



“Well, I’m afraid you entered a bet… It’s all written out. But generally, you either need to pick up a sword and prove you could do better… Or he gains control your family fortune.” Adelbert spoke a bit too fast, trying to get it out in one go.



There was a long silence as Mikuni slowly looked around the room before those violet eyes fell on Adelbert, “Oh shit….”



“I know sir. But it’s in writing. You really can’t get out of it….”



“I forgot to get the name of that Miqo’te! Adelbert, I need you to find her.”



There was a slight sigh. But under the stress of that unbreaking face… Adelbert might just have smiled, “Of course, sir.”






Mikuni and his ever-suffering Retainer Adelbert are looking for a new home as he begins his contractually obligated stint as an adventurer. He may, or may not be a handful. But honestly is most likely to just brag about how he single-handedly took out seven dragons and one super-dragon.



To be serious a moment, I’m actually a very experienced roleplayer who has played the gambit of serious to oddball to evil to altruistic characters. So regardless of how foolish he might sound I pride myself on keeping even my most interesting of characters realistic. I’ve been having a blast in FFXIV but would love to have people who love writing stories to interact with. So… if any of you have a home, please respond!



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Just to clarify, I'm looking for a server and maybe a linkshell/free company who might take me. Oocly, I'm pretty much the most laid back person you'll meet. Low drama. Just rp for the fun of it! I won't be offended if you love my character, hate him, love to hate him... I don't specifically seek out any specific rp (romance, etc) And just love to play characters.


Hit me up if you have room to spare.

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There's all sorts of adventurers, fighters, merchants, and potatoes on Balmung if you wanna do more open-world RP (I'm recalling that Gilgamesh has more RP in individual FCs but I may be wrong). I'm in a closed OOC FC but there are many linkshells for RPers to connect with on Balmung as well. The only problem is getting onto the server; you either need to make your character right before/after a maintenance or pay $18 to transfer from another.

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I'd could highly recommend to transfer to Balmung. I know its $18, but you can transfer as many characters with you from the old server to Balmung, provided they are 3 days old and above level 15 or something? (as long you got a sub for more then owning 1 char on a server obviously!) Someone else would need to clarify that for me though.


While I have no FC/LS to offer, I'd still like to extend my offer for roleplay regardless :)

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I  really appreciate both of your replies. Luckily I can afford the transfer (It's really a pain because I know it might be difficult for some people. A shame it has to be like that. :/ ) So I think I will transfer. But... Since it will be difficult to have alts, I might make a more universal character design for my first there. So... Yeah! I'll definitely hit you up with whomever I decide to transfer. Thank you!

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