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Hello everyone!

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I'm very bad with thinking up introductions, so Template!



-MMORPG background

FFXI, FFXIV 1.0 (If that even counts), Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, EVE, Star Wars Galaxies, *cough*WoW*cough*


--RP experience

Things like this kinda make me nervous, but I RPed for 4 years on SWG and was a storyteller there on numerous occasions where I'd build stages and areas for the RPers, 5 years in FFXI as an Elvaan Dark Knight who became a Rune Fencer. In FFXIV I have Souyo, a married Ninja who has a kid and is trying to live a somewhat peaceful life. 


--Character ideas/info

I still need to sort this out a bit.


--How did you learn about the coalition?

Some really good friends of mine.


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy? 

Heavy please. I do other things besides Roleplay, but after I'm done with those things...I'm normally standing around doing nothing. Lol


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

Umm, I went to College for 4 years, got my Bachelor's Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering, my hobbies, I play video games and build Gundam models, pretty much it. 

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