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L'Cie (Faerie)

Khal Asher

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We are a new FC on Faerie. With Balmung being extremely crowded it's our hope to start growing Faerie into a large alternative RP community with in FFXIV.


Our focus is IC in game story content with creating social activities as side fun. However may branch out to created content later on. 



If you are looking for a new RP community we would love to have you help us build Faerie into the next great RP community.


*Update 9/15*


We are slowly growing as a FC. The RP community is slowly growing as well. If you are looking to be a part of a growing community please let me know. Even if you don't want to join my FC I am looking to add to our RP Linkshell as well.

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I would be interested in joining your RP family! I've been trying to find an RP family and have been all over Gilgamesh and Balmung. Surprisingly for the amount of RP that happens on Balmung, I found it very lonely there. The only FC invites I ever received were not from roleplay FCs... So! I would love to help further your community on Faerie! ^^


Is there ample housing available on Faerie btw? Because Gilgamesh and Balmung both have absolutely no housing available.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We would love to have you. As of right now the housing is full, but I believe new housing is coming soon either 3.1 or 3.2 as I have heard.


Faerie is just starting to grow in the RP community. I have been working hard to track down the RPer's on the server. I have made the FC a normal FC but RP friendly. I have a special ranking just for the RPers. And I also give them a invite to a RP linkshell that has RPers from multiple free companies. I have also been talking with another FC leader about putting together some cross FC events in the next week or so.


So if you would like to join. Please seek out Vanille Dia' or Khal Asher. I'm usually on from 530-9 pm central time. And sometimes from 2-4 am as well.



And sorry for the delay in the response I have been busy in game and forgot to check on this post.


Also if you are making a new character I have been looking for someone to start the game with from start to finish. To quest explore and run dungeons together. If that is something you would be interested in please let me know.

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I'm on Faerie and I would love to join the RP Linkshell as I'm apart of a FC. I've been wanting to RP for the longest time and be able to come up with ideas for my writing as I'm still struggling. (Taking a break from the fanfiction) I play Serena Lightdragon, hope to talk to you in-game! :)

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