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Hello to my RP fellows!


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Hey there! I'm Kai, and I've been sorta lurking for a bit, off and on, and figured I need to just get my butt in here and find myself some RP and make some friends!


--MMORPG background

  My MMO experience isn't too extensive. I played on Antonia Bayle and Venekor in Everquest II years ago with my mom, where we had connected characters that did a good bit of RP. And I've played a bit of World of Warcraft, but not for RP. I've been playing FFXIV for a couple of months now, and it's been a LOT of fun!

--RP experience

  Uhm...a lot. I grew up with parents who did a lot of tabletop RPs, and raised me in the Society for Creative Anachronism. I've been doing forum, PBEM, and chatroom RP for almost 2 decades, and I just...really, really love RP.

--Character ideas/info

  I have four main characters I'm looking to RP.

  Khaida Ahmahno [balmung, Keeper Thaumaturge] - Further info here, but the short of it is she's a reckless, adrenaline junkie of a thaumaturge, who is currently slogging her way through being a Scion and dealing with the changes in someone she cares about being scarily reminiscent of an issue her guildmasters had to deal with...

  Alcuin Cereus [Adamantoise, Wildwood Arcanist] - A former 'man of the night', born and raised in Limsa, he wandered Eorzea for a bit before returning to Limsa to take up adventuring. He seeks to make a name for himself so he can start a safe place in Limsa for courtesans and their patrons. He is a lover of beauty and believes that love is a sacred thing, to be shared and given freely.

  Melania Carnevale [Adamantoise, Duskwight Archer] - Bombastic, crafty, and convinced all the world is a stage. Mel is a dark creature, preferring to strike fast, hard, and from a distance. She doesn't let others close, and likes to keep an air of mystery...but she'll let others think she's a friend.

  Merle Darkchild [Faerie, Midlander Gladiator] - An amnesiac who has found herself settling in Ul'dah, she is following the path of an adventurer partly because it feels right and partly because she desperately wants to find who she is and where she came from. Merle is an odd woman, at times sweet, at times snarky, and forever her own person. She’s much like the blackbirds she is named for, curious and ever-roaming, but always returning to one place…Ul'dah.

--How did you learn about the coalition?

  I honestly don't remember. I just know I found it, and it's pretty awesome. |D

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

  I would LOVE to be a heavy RPer, but I know that RL and the distraction of quests may throw me more towards medium.

--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

  I work in the airline industry, so I will have days at a time where I am just not up to anything. Especially in the winter and end of summer. CRAZY STUFF YO. I also am working on turning gaming into a thing I can make a living off of, but so far it hasn't gone far. |D

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