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Longtime subscriber, short time player

Mia Moui

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Salutations RP types!


I'm new to FFXIV but not new to RP'ing.  I've spent most of my time in SW:TOR, TSW, and Aion.  But I'm tired of playing Sith, Secret Agents, and Asmodians.  The more I heard about FFXIV the more I felt like it would be the place to be.  And since I've wrapped up my storylines in those games, it's a good time to jump to a new world. 


I'm on Sargatanas now but as soon as I level up my Main, I'll fork over the $18 to get on Balmung.  I've heard good things about that server and good things about this forum.


I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you and learning about all the lore of the world and it's people.  I'm playing a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te and have already learned a bunch by reading through what some of you have had to say.

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She's still cooking.


But I know that she's a wannabe gladiator and taller than most Miqo'te, with dark grey skin, bright white fur, and an unfortunate recent past with the Coeurclaw.  To be honest, I'm cribbing a bit of her backstory and personality from Blake of RWBY.  That's my inspiration and part of the reason I decided to start playing.


I had signed up for a subscription to FFXIV a couple months after launch and then forgot about it.  I'm not the best at checking my credit card statements hence the "longtime subscriber."  I did the same thing with SW:TOR after I burned out on playing a Sith Inquisitor.  I quit the game but didn't unsubscribe.


All that aside, I wish there was more Keeper specific lore.  I really liked the Seeker lore but felt that "cover of darkness" was a better fit for my character.  But I feel it's more challenging and risky to create lore for myself because it could be contradicted later by the game.  But oh well.

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