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A poster appears in the Carline Canopy, New Gridania at the Levemete's counter. Written in elegant penmanship it reads:

"WANTED: One soul to accompany a venture to the the fabled Amdapor Keep, the individual should be capable of either supporting the parties members or a potent combatant. A fair cut of any treasure found and the guildleve's fee included. Speak with the Levemete for further information."


Speaking with the Levemete's clerk you would be handed a small card featuring a picture of a armour clad individual striking down a large serpentine beast and given the following information:


"The party is due to assemble before the local Levemete in Quarrymill later today, the client is looking for the group to recover several Amdapori relics and scriptures held within. A generous sum is to be paid for each item recovered."




Welcome to an IC Dungeon run on really short notice! My Roe and two others are set to venture into Amdapor on a guildleve and are seeking the fourth and final member of the group. The option of dps or healer is open and the event will be a hosted in Amdapor Keep (Normal) starting sometime between 2300 to 2359 UTC(+1) and going until... whenever! (PS: Thats about 3 hours time.)


Any character who fits the bill is welcome to come along; its on a first come first served basis. Simply drop me a message on Heathcliff, or leave a post here!



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